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Protection of intact newborns in hospital

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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is an important but frequently overlooked parental duty for parents of a newborn [[intact]] boy in an American maternity hospital. Non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of newborn boys remains a common practice despite its unethical nature. Circumcision is a profit center for hospitals, so many will promote circumcision in various ways. It is easy for a nursery attendant to make a mistake and bring an intact boy for an unwanted circumcision.
Mansfield et al. (1995) report , when a newborn is to be [[circumcised]], both mother and newborn remain in hospital an average of six hours longer, which substantially increases revenue to the hospital,<ref name="mansfield1995">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> Reports indicate that parents have been asked as many as twelve times. Promotion of unnecessary surgery is highly unethical. Awareness of this unethical practice will help parents to avoid caving in to the hospital's tactics.
This older article is some what out-of-date but still has some useful information:
* {{REFweb
|publisher=Circumcision Information and Resource Pages

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