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Medical trade association

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A '''medical trade association''' is an organization composed of health care professionals who have united to advance their common professional trade, business, financial, and legal interests. <ref name="hill2017">{{REFjournal |last=Hill |first=George |init=G |author-link=George Hill |title=The case against circumcision |journal=Journal of Men's Health and Gender |date=2007 |volume=4 |issue=3 |pages=318-323 |url= |quote= |format=PDF |accessdate=2023-10-01}}</ref> Such organizations serve as labor unions for health care professionals.
== General medical associations ==
Medical trade associations occasionally issue an opinion statement regarding medical care offered by their speciality. The public should be aware that the medical trade associations first duty is to protect and improve the income stream of its membership. This frequently creates a conflict of interest between the best interests of the patient and the best interests of the member doctors.
Such statements may exhibit considerable [[bias]] toward protection of physician income.<ref name="hill2017" />
== Statements regarding male circumcision ==
* [[Circumcision study flaws]]
[[Category:Medical society]]

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