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United States of America

89 bytes removed, 15:52, 5 October 2023
Parity: Revise and update.
The popularity of non-circumcision of boys has increased to the point that non-circumcision has become the NORM in many sections of the United States. if long-term trends have continued, it is certainly possible that non-circumcision or "intactness" may have become the NORM in the United States.
===ParityIntact is the new norm ===
The percentage of American boys being [[circumcised]] has been slowly declining for a long time, while the number of boys with [[intact]] [[foreskin]] has correspondingly increased.<ref name="jacobson2021" /> A state of parity has now been reached where the The percentage of newborn [[intact]] newborn boys is about equal to now exceeds the percentage of [[circumcised]] newborn boys.
As the present trend continues, it is expected that being [[intact]] will shortly become is now the more usual, normal condition for young infant boys in America, if it has not already done so.
==American [[genital integrity]] organizations==

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