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Case histories

87 bytes added, 14:49, 8 October 2023
Circumcision: Wikify.
I was [[circumcised ]] at the age of about 8 years in the early nineties. The reason for this was that my [[foreskin]] did not retract easily and it hurt to urinate. My parents drove my sister and me to an [[Issues with American urologists and the practice of male circumcision| urologist]]. There I was laid on a couch and the doctor examined me, while my family stood by and watched. I felt humiliated and embarrassed, but apparently they did not worry about my feelings. After a short time the result of the examination was announced: [[I had to be circumcised]].
My parents had indeed heard of the [[foreskin]], but did not know what it was exactly. But the doctor calmed my parents, saying it was only a small cut and then I would be free of the problems forever. My parents did not learn more. Neither were they informed about the alternatives to being [[circumcised]], nor were they told everything is cut and what effect this would have.
Since there seemed to be no big deal, my parents agreed and we drove an appointment a few days later in the hospital. There I was, “according to the rules of medical science”, i.e. under additional local anesthesia and general anesthesia cut radically, that is the entire [[foreskin]] was removed. The surgery went as planned and there were no complications. When I was woke up in the hospital from the anesthesia, I still did not worry because I had been told that it was only a small cut. That same day we were able to drive home.

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