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Art. 140 GG

37 bytes added, 01:21, 28 December 2023
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''IntactiWiki non-binding comment:''
: (1) and (2) are similar sentences from [[Art. 4 GG]] and underline this again.
: (3) is delicate if you associate a prepuce-amputated penis with religious affiliation to [[Judaism ]] or [[Islam]]. So even if you don't want to reveal your religious belief, if you are not a Jew or Muslim, you would have to expect that e.g. in the sauna people draw conclusions about the world view.: (4) Religious circumcision advocates openly admit that [[circumcision ]] in children is an act of the church, a ceremony, a "religious exercise" or even a "religious oath" - and thus clearly violates Article 140 GG in conjunction with Article 136 sentence 4 WRV .
[[Category:Law: Germany]]
[[de:Art. 140 GG]]

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