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Wetness in the preputial sac is normal and associated with having a A longer [[foreskin| prepuce]]improves wetness in the preputial sac.<ref name="ofarrell2008">{{REFjournal
Everything The epithelium of all tissue in the preputial sac is covered with [[Mucosa| mucosal membrane]] (similar to the inside of your mouth), which likes to be wet, so no damage or threat to health or well-being is caused by having [[urine ]] inside the [[foreskin]]. The sphincter action of the preputial orifice functions as a one way valve, blocking the entry of contaminants and pathogens while allowing the passage of urine.<ref name="fleiss1998" /> The [[urine ]]will help serve to flush contaminants and pathogens out of the [[foreskin]]. Some A few individuals may experience [[ballooning of the foreskin]], which is harmless.
→Urination by foreskinned men
'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is the term applied to the space on the [[foreskinned]] [[penis]] between the [[prepuce]] and the [[glans penis]].<ref>{{REFweb
|title=preputial sac
}}</ref> The preputial sac may also be called the '''sub-preputial space''' or '''preputial cavity'''. [[Circumcised]] men do not have a preputial sac.
}}</ref> so it cannot be [[Infection| infected]]. The preputial sac will remain closed for a variable number of years.
The preputial sac is lined with [[mucosa]] as is appropriate for an internal organ where moisture is present.<ref name="cold-taylor1999">{{ColdCJ TaylorJR 1999}}</ref> [[Urine ]] and other sources of moisture are not harmful to it.
The [[glans penis]] (head of the [[penis]]) is covered and protected from friction , abrasion, [[trauma]], and abrasion [[infection]] by the [[foreskin]] while it is in the preputial sac, so it does not accumulate [[keratin]], and maintains its [[Foreskin sensitivity| natural sensitivity]].
Parkash et al. (1973) reported that epithelial debris [exfoliated skin or mucosa] accumulates in the preputial sac and forms [[smegma]].<ref name="parkash1873">{{REFjournal
}}</ref>, a natural, normal, benign, healthy, and beneficial product of the body, which will collect harmlessly in the preputial sac.
}}</ref> Moistness also may be maintained by [[transudation]].<ref name="cold-taylor1999" /> The sac may vary from very slightly moist to wet.
A longer [[prepuce ]] helps to keep out contaminants and pathogens. <ref name="fleiss1998">{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref> Lakshmanan & Parkash (1980) described the muscle fibers in the [[prepuce]] (known as the [[dartos]]), which contract to keep the prepuce snugly close to the [[glans penis]].<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> The muscle fibers form a whorl at the tip to keep the tip of the [[foreskin]] and keep the preputial sac closed against the outside world and contamination.<ref name="fleiss1998">{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref>
Cold & Taylor (1999) described a healthy [[microbiome]] that lives within the preputial sac.<ref name="cold-taylor1999" /> They also reported that Langerhans cells are found in the mucosa of the preputial sac. [[Langerhans cells]] are part of the immunological defenses of the [[penis]].
|ref=<ref>{{DeWitte etal 2007}}</ref>
=== Foreskin fragrance ===
The [[foreskin]] produces [[pheromone| pheromones]] that are likely to be present in the preputial sac.<ref name="fleiss1998" /> Many [[foreskinned]] men report a pleasant musky fragrance<ref name="vocabulary2024">{{REFweb
}}</ref> from their [[penis]]. Musk is also produced by deer to create sexual arousal.<ref name="vocabulary2024" /> The fragrance, when it occurs, is emitted from the preputial sac.
The [[foreskin]] produces [[pheromone| fragrance may contain stimulating pheromones]] that are likely to be present in the preputial sacand is variously characterized. A few find it offensive, but others find it attractive, pleasing, exciting, stimulating, or arousing.<ref name="fleiss1998vocabulary2024" /> Some believe that the use of soap in the preputial sac harms the natural [[microbiome]] and increases the strength of the fragrance. The musky foreskin fragrance may be contained by avoiding retraction of the [[foreskin]].
Birley et al. (1993) studied 43 men with recurrent or persistent [[balanitis]] at an outpatient genitourinary disease clinic in London, [[United Kingdom| UK]] where most men are [[intact]]. Of the study group only 33 percent were [[circumcised]]. Birley and colleagues discovered that the men in that group washed frequently with soap. The men were instructed to wash less frequently, to stop using soap, and to treat with emollients. The soap and shower gel apparently removed the natural skin oil, which appears to be essential for health of the [[mucosa]] of the preputial sac.<ref name="birley1993">{{REFjournal
<b>Soap, body wash, and shampoo should not be used inside the preputial sac, because they remove the beneficial skin oil.</b>
== Urinationby foreskinned men==[[IntactForeskinned]] men sometimes ask, "do I have to retract my [[foreskin]] when I peefor [[urination]]?" <ref>Some men with abundant overhanging foreskin find it awkward and difficult to retract and keep retracted their [[foreskin]] because the foreskin is constantly pushing to glide forward to return to its normal position of covering and protecting the [[glans penis]].</ref> They may have been heard myths that it is unhealthy to have [[urine]] inside the [[foreskin]], however there is no factual basis for that claim. Urine is normally sterile has a healthy microbiome<ref name="cold-taylor1999" /> when it leaves the urethra and is helpful for flushing out the [[foreskin]] and keeping it clean. The presence of urine in the preputial sac is ''not'' unsanitary and does not do harm. Nature has planned for this condition. Boys by necessity pee through their [[foreskin]] because it does not retract and men with [[phimosis]] also pee through their [[foreskin ]] because the foreskin does not retract. It does no harm so it is not necessary to pull back when you pee.
The [[foreskin]] overhang or [[acroposthion]] may be used as a hose nozzle to control and direct the stream. It may help to stretch one's [[foreskin]] out from one's body. One man said, "When I need to pee, I open my fly, pull my foreskin out and give it a tug to get any wrinkles out, then I hold my foreskin with the thumb and forefinger of both hands and use the overhang of my foreskin as a nozzle to direct my stream. When I finish, I milk it a bit to get any residual pee out of my [[urethrapenis]]."
[[Foreskinned]] men may report enjoy feeling a slight tickling sensation as the [[urine]] flows out through their [[acroposthion]].
One may pull back retract or not pull back retract for [[urination]]. What works best depends to some extent on individual anatomy. Either way is okay.
* [[Autocircumcision]]
* [[Balanitis]]
* [[Care of intact elderly men]]
* {{REFweb
|title=Intact Penis Care: Embracing Natural Well-being
|publisher=Intact America
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