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Arguments pro circumcision

20 bytes added, 18:16, 9 April 2015
Trivializing arguments
* '''"[[Circumcision]] is similar to removing a patch."'''
*: All published [[It´s A Boy!|circumcision videos ]] show that those who are circumcised without adequate anaesthetic treatment (anaesthesia or anaesthetic), suffer immense pain. Infants fall regularly in shock as a reaction to the pain, when being circumcised without effective anaestesia.
* '''"Babies feel no pain yet, therefore should be circumcised at an early stage."'''
*: This assertion is completely obsolete and refuted in many studies. In the mother's womb, children already feel pain, and even more directly after birth.
* '''"[[Circumcision ]]is comparable with ear piercing or other piercings."'''
*: Usually any sensitive tissue or even functional body parts remove earlobes and piercings. Also earlobes and piercing holes can grow again. Therefore, this comparison is completely untenable.
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