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Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy

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[[File:Wwdoga300.png|thumb|Campaign logo]]
The World Wide '''Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy ''' (WWDOGA) is a campaign day for the [[genital autonomy ]] of children which has been initiated by the German "Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener im [[MOGiS e.V.]]". Since 2013, it The aim of the WWDOGA is celebrated on each 7th of May. This date has been chosen because on May 7th, 2012, to propagate the District Court right of Cologne (Germany) has judged bodily integrity and sexual self-determination for all children all over the first time in Germany, that the circumcision of male children is an assaultworld.
The aim == Choice of the WWDOGA date ==Since 2013, it is to propagate celebrated on each 7th of May. This date has been chosen because on May 7th, 2012, the right District Court of bodily integrity and sexual self-determination Cologne (Germany) has judged for all the first time in Germany, that the circumcision of male children all over the worldis an assault.
== Accompanying Events ==In 2019, the central German event for WWDOGA in Cologne did not take place for the first time on 7 May itself, but on the following Saturday, 11 May. The organizers were able to meet the wishes of many people who had little opportunity to take part in demonstrations during the week. The participation was correspondingly higher.
In 2020 & 2021, the German WWDOGA event in Cologne, which was to take place again on the Saturday following WWDOGA, was canceled due to the corona pandemic.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Weltweiter Tag der genitalen Selbstbestimmung abgesagt |website=Facebook |date=20192020-04-22 |accessdate=2020-04-22}}</ref> Daher hat [[MOGiS e.V.]] Videobotschaften der vorgesehenen Rednerinnen und Redner in seinem YouTube-Kanal<ref name="MOGiS_YT_2020">{{REFweb |url= |title=YouTube-Kanal: MOGiS e.V. - Eine Stimme für Betroffene |publisher=YouTube |accessdate=2020-05-05}}</ref> online gestellt. In 2022, the 10th WWDOGA took place again on May 7th, which is also a favorable Saturday in terms of events. ==Demands of the WWDOGA ==* Compliance with and implementation of [[UN Convention on the Rights of the Child]] Art. 2 (protection against discrimination), Art. 3 (priority of the best interests of the child) and Art. 24, paragraph 3 (abolition of harmful customs)* GermanyLegislative initiatives worldwide that provide for the protection of all children, regardless of gender, from non-therapeutic [[Genital mutilation|genital surgery]].*Protection of children with atypical physical sex characteristics from medically unnecessary [[IGM|genital operations]] and other interventions* Kick-off event immediate stop of [[VMMC|mass circumcisions of boys]] as part of alleged HIV prevention in African countries* public research and education on the one[[Complication|consequences of non-year awareness campaign therapeutic genital surgery on children]] in their different forms and social contexts == IDOGA ==In 2022, [[Ulf Dunkel]] suggested renaming the initialism [[WWDOGA]] to IDOGA, which stands for '''I'''nternational '''D'''ay '''o'''f '''G'''enital '''A'''utonomy and can also be read as "My body - intact I Do GA" (for "I do genital autonomy"). The newly suggested initialism or acronym might be grippier and self-determined"easier to use. == List of speakers at the WWDOGA in Cologne == === 2022 ======= Live contributions from Cologne ==== On 7 May 2022, Berlina live demo took place in Cologne for the first time since 2019.The speeches on the Old Market were streamed live. <youtube>gPU2bVHAIME<ref/youtube>: Live contributions WWDOGA 2022 Cologne, complete video  The table below shows the individual speeches in individual videos. {| class="wikitable sortable"|-! # !! Speaker !! Video link|-| 1 || data-sort-value="Nyhus" | [[Lena Nyhus]], [[Intact Denmark]] |||-| 2 || data-sort-value="Kosack" | Prof. Dr. [[Godula Kosack]], [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] (DE) || https:/artikel/|-kann| 3 || data-nichtsort-fruehvalue="Seidenberg Manasseh" | Manasseh Seidenberg, [[]] (CH) |||-genug| 4 || data-seinsort-sichvalue="Adigüzel" | Kerem Adıgüzel, Al-umRahman (CH/DE) |||-kinderschutz| 5 || data-kuemmernsort-16795 value="It can not be early enough to look after child protection!Wellstein"| [[Ute Wellstein]], [[HPDBundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Säkulare Grüne|BAG Säkulare Grüne]]<(DE) |||-| 6 || data-sort-value="Roman" | Evan Roman (USA) ||>watch?v=t51CXmgF6oc* Israel|-** Israeli intact activists demonstrate against children against | 7 || data-sort-value="Smith" | [[David Smith]], [[MGM15 Square]](UK) ||* Kenya|-** First demo of Kenyan Intactivists at the Okalo Market in Matunga| 8 || data-sort-value="Gilles" | Stefanie Gilles und Samantha, Kakamega County[[Lobby für Mädchen]] e. V. (DE) ||* Norway|-** Event | 9 || data-sort-value="Bodily integrity and genital autonomyAktor" in Turku| Mikael Aktor, organized by ''JÅ [[Intact Denmark]] (DK) |||-| 10 || data-sort- Intresseföreningen för jämställdhet vid ÅA''value="Schäfer" | Lasse Schäfer, [[Partei der Humanisten]] PdH (DE) ||* USA|-** San Francisco: Demo and Jonathon Conte Memorial Luncheon| 11 || data-sort-value="Seidenberg Ephraim" | Ephraim Seidenberg, organized by [[Genital Autonomy]](CH) |||-** US Heartland: 16| 12 || data-sort-day demo in various American citiesvalue="Schiering" | [[Victor Schiering]], organized by [[Bloodstained MenMOGiS e.V.]] & Their Friends(DE) |||} ==== Streaming contributions ====Before and after the live speeches in Cologne, further video contributions to WWDOGA 2022 were streamed and are listed below.
{| class="wikitable sortable"|-! # !! Speaker !! Video link|-| 1 || data-sort-value="Lahrkamp" | Sarah Lahrkamp MdB, [[SPD]], 1. Chairman of the Children's Commission of the German Bundestag |||-| 2 || data-sort-value="Lucks" | Max Lucks MdB, [[Bündnis 90/Die Grünen]] |||-| 3 || data-sort-value="Ullrich" | Dr. Volker Ullrich MdB, [[CSU]] |||-| 4 || data-sort-value="Edelhäußer" | Ralph Edelhäußer MdB, [[CSU]] ||* Germany|-** On | 5 || data-sort-value="Rupprecht" | [[Marlene Rupprecht]] - The political debate after the occasion of this year's main topic “Cologne Judgment” in 2012 |||-| 6 || data-sort-value="Fegeler" | Dr. [[Ulrich Fegeler]], [[Deutsches Kinderbulletin]] – a chance for each child |||-| 7 || data-sort-value="Smith" | "Medical Program at Keele University", [[David Smith]] from [[15 Square]] and a medical student (UK) |||-| 8 || data-sort-value="Schütze-Buchholz"| Angela Schütze-Buchholz, Vice President [[FGMBVKJ]] |||-| 9 || data-sort-value="Beschneidung" | Circumcision 2.0 - What do we expect from the guideline? |||-| 10 || data-sort-value="Sinden" |Female genital mutilationSanté du Penis - [[Guy Sinden]], [[Droit au Corps]] in Asia(France) |||-| 11 || data-sort-value="Nauy"| Why? A mother talks to [[Gislinde Nauy]], [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] held , about questions about patient education |||-| 12 || data-sort-value="Neonatale" | Neonatal foreskin as a panel discussion “waste product” free for commercial use? - Lecture by Dr. Bernhard Taurus |||-| 13 || data-sort-value="Nyhus" | "World History in Ballerup, Denmark", [[Intact Denmark]] (DK) |||-| 14 || data-sort-value="Aktion" | #TogetherWeEndFGM, [[Aktion Regen]] (Austria) |||-| 16 || data-sort-value="Ateş" | [[Seyran Ateş]], Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque Berlin |||-| 17 || data-sort-value="Balashinsky" | [[David Balashinsky]], Human rights activist (USA) |||-| 18 || data-sort-value="Jüdische" | Jewish perspectives on the 6th genital self-determination, Ephraim Seidenberg and Manasseh Seidenberg ([[]]), [[Eldad Stobezki]] and [[Jérôme Segal]] in conversation |||-| 19 || data-sort-value="Betroffene" | None of May us are here voluntarily: Affected Talk II, with Michael Drash and [[Victor Schiering]] ([[MOGiS e.V.]]), Ephraim Seidenberg and Manasseh Seidenberg ([[]]) |||-| 20 || data-sort-value="Schmidt-Salomon" | “The Cologne judgment and its consequences”, Dr. [[Michael Schmidt-Salomon]] in the Old Firestation conversation with Prof. Dr. [[Matthias Franz]], Prof. Dr. [[Holm Putzke]] and Prof. Dr. [[Reinhard Merkel]] |||-| 21 || data-sort-value="Veith" | Social expectations and self-determination - Lucie Veith (Intersex People e.V.), Bettina Schreck and [[Holger Edmaier]] ([[Projekt 100% MENSCH]]) in Cologneconversation || ttps://* Israel|-** Israelic intactivists celebrated a | 22 || data-sort-value="Conciousness Day CircumcisionDarbon" for the first time on this day| [[Tim Arkell]] & [[Jonathan Meddings]], [[Darbon Institute]] (Australien) ||* USA|-** San Francisco| 23 || data-sort-value="Langanke" | Harriet Langanke (GSSG) and [[Victor Schiering]] ([[MOGiS e.V.]]) in conversation || https: The //|-| 24 || data-sort-value="Schewe-Gerigk" | [[Irmingard Schewe-Gerigk]] and [[Gislinde Nauy]], [[Bay Area IntactivistsTERRE DES FEMMES]] demonstrated near the Ferry Building|||}
===20172021 ===* Germany** The speeches on WWDOGA 2021 are not held live in Germany was introduced by a press conference Cologne because of the ongoing Corona Pandemic in Berlin on May 4th2021, and closed by a symposium ''Jungenbeschneidung but will be shared via video message in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme'' (Circumcision on boys in Germany - an inventory) at the university Düsseldorf on May 8th.* USA** Denver[https: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated between California and Stout Street//www.** Los Angeles: [[NOCIRC|Genital Autonomy - America]] hosted films and discussions of the common ground surrounding non-therapeutic genital cutting of male, female, and intersex childrenyoutube.** San Diego: [[Intactivistscom/user/MOGiSVerein/videos YouTube channel]] demonstrated in front of the by [[ACOGMOGiS e.V.]] and informed . Here is the doctors about the harmful consequences of [[RIC]].** San Franciscodraft time schedule: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated in the streets.
===2016===: 09:30-09:50 - Introduction* Australia** Sydney: 09:50-10:00 - Greetings [[IntactivistsUlrike Bahr]] from , MdB, Rapporteur for child and youth welfare of the [[AIGA Inc.SPD]] demonstrated in William Street.parliamentary group* Germany** The WWDOGA in Germany was accompanied by four in film and : 10:00-11:30 - „The business with the foreskin“ – Live discussion eventswith Dr. [[Bernhard Stier]], where the films ''Circumcision'' by Dr. [[Ari LibskerWolfgang Bühmann]], ''Hibos Lied - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und die Macht der Tradition'' by Prof. Dr. [[Renate BernhardMatthias Franz]] and Sigrid Dethlof, and the animated short film ''Hermes und Aphrodite'' by Gregor Zootsky were shown in Munich[[Volker Handke]] & [[Gunter Neubauer]] (Mod. [[Victor Schiering]]): 11:30-12:15 - News from Australia – video clips – social media activitiesw, Düsseldorf[[Foreskin Revolution]] / [[Darbon Institute]], Cologne[[Michael Winnel]], and BerlinN.N.<ref>https(Australia): 12:15-12:30 - Live talk - [[Katja Keul]], MdB, Spokeswoman for legal policy of the [[Bündnis 90//genitaleDie Grünen]] Bundestag parliamentary group : 12:55-13:00 -selbstbestimmungFilm: „We stay on the ball!“ [[Lobby for Girls]]</ref>* Great Britain** London: 13:00-13:50 - „Circumcision in Islam“ - [[IntactivistsSeyran Ateş]] from London demonstrated in the city (Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque Berlin) talking with banners and info sheetsProf.[[Mohamed Fahmy]] (pediatric surgeon)* USA: 13:50-13:55 - The Sex Organs – Music Slot 1 (The Netherlands/Switzerland): 13:55-14:00 - Landearbeitsgemeinschaft [[Jungen*- und Männer* Cathedral City (California)arbeit Bayern]] e.V.: On two daysStatement [[Matthias Becker]], films around the topic of circumcision were shown and discussed1.chairman** Charleston : 14:45-14:55 - [[Men Do Complain]] / Statement [[Richard Duncker]] (WVUK): 14:55-15: On the WWDOGA00 - Statement - [[Partei der Humanisten]], [[Maria Krause]], the 3rd day of the ''Middeputy chairwoman: 15:00-15:15 -AtlanticLive interview: „FGM and how to counter it“, Prof. Dr. [[Godula Kosack]], White House & ObCEO [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] e.V.: 15:15-15:20 - [[Jungs e.V.]] / Statement [[Sven Leimkühler]]: 15:30-16:00 -Gyn Circumcision Crisis Protests'' took placeLive talk [[Atheist Refugee Relief|Säkulare Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.]], with [[Lilith Raza]], [[Rana Ahmad]] & [[Stefan Paintner]]** Denver: 16:00-16:30 - [[Projekt 100% MENSCH]] live talk, [[IntactivistsHolger Edmaier]] demonstrated between California , and Stout Street.[[Lucie Veith]]** New York: 16:30-17:15 - [[IntactivistsAktion Regen|Action Rain]] demonstrated peacefully against circmcision of children at Vienna: Interview with the Union Square.<ref>httprain worker [[Margaret Bachlechner]] about [[FGM]] (Kenya/Austria): 17:15-17://www45 - Live talk about the legal situation,[[Christoph Mandla]]: 18:00-18:15 - [[Intakt Norden]]: Live news from the Nordic countries, with [[Johan Nyman]]: 18:30-genital19:15 -autonomy<„We all aren't here voluntarily“ – Live discussion with [[Ephraim Seidenberg]], [[Manasseh Seidenberg]], [[Muhammet Savci]], [[Alexander Bachl]] & [[Victor Schiering]] (Germany/ref>Switzerland)** San Francisco: The 19:15-20:00 - Live talk [[Bay Area Intactivists15 Square]] demonstrated in the streets.<ref>http://www„Legal affairs“, Prof.bayareaintactivists[[Peter W.orgAdler]], [[David Smith]], [[Jason Metters]] (USA/nodeUK): 20:00-20:30 - Live from [[Israel]]: „Circumcision in [[Israel]]“, [[Ronit Tamir]] ([[KAHAL]]): 20:50-21:00 - The Sex Organs – Music Slot 2 (The Netherlands/332</ref>Switzerland): 21:00-21:30 - Live presentation - [[Intaction]], [[Anthony Losquadro]] (USA)
===20152020 ===In Germany, the The speeches on WWDOGA was followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference 2020 were not held live in Cologne because of the ''Haus der Jugend'' (Youth Hostel) Corona Pandemic 2020, but were shared via video message in Frankfurtthe [ YouTube channel] by [[MOGiS e.V.]], with [[Victor Schiering]] from [[MOGiS e.V.]] having three messages:
{| class="wikitable sortable"|-! # !! Speaker !! Video link|-| 1 || data-sort-value="Bell" | [[Inge Bell]] - [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] || [ Inge Bell]|-| 2 || data-sort-value="Edmaier" | [[Holger Edmaier]] - CEO [[Projekt 100% MENSCH]] || [ Holger Edmaier]|-| 3 || data-sort-value="Tamir" | [[Ronit Tamir]] - [[KAHAL]], [[Israel]] ||[ Ronit Tamir]In Germany|-| 4 || data-sort-value="Duncker" | [[Richard Duncker]] - [[Men Do Complain]] & [[Genital Autonomy]], a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in CologneUK || [ Richard Duncker]|-| 5 || [[HennaMond e.V.]] || [ HennaMond e.V.]|-| 6 || data-sort-value="Metters" | [[Jason Metters]] - [[15 Square]], being organized by UK || [ Jason Metters]|-| 7 || data-sort-value="Fricke" | [[Thoralf Fricke]] - [[pro familia]] Lower Bavaria e.V. || [ Thoralf Fricke]|-| 8 || data-sort-value="Schiering" | [[Victor Schiering]] - Chairman of [[MOGiS e.V.]] - A Voice For Those Affected || [ Victor Schiering (1)] <br>[ Victor Schiering (2)] <br>[ Victor Schiering (3)]|-| 9 || data-sort-value="Maloba" | [[Prince Hillary Maloba]] - [[VMMC Experience Project]] || [ Prince Hillary Maloba]|-| 10 || data-sort-value="Otto" | [[Darya Otto]] - [[Lobby für Mädchen e.V.]] || [ Darya Otto]|-| 11 || data-sort-value="Zuhair" | [[Woorod Zuhair]] - [[FEMEN]], Iran || [ Woorod Zuhair]|-| 12 || data-sort-value="Ehm" | [[Matthias Ehm]] - [[Die Linke]] Baden-Wuerttemberg || [ Matthias Ehm]|-| 13 || data-sort-value="Stephan" | [[Lars Stephan]] - [[Partei der Humanisten]] NRW || [ Lars Stephan]|-| 14 || data-sort-value="Garber" | [[Shemuel Garber]] - [[intaktiv]] e.V. (USA) || [ Shemuel Garber]|-| 15 || data-sort-value="Becker" | [[Matthias Becker]] - Boys* and Men*work Bavaria e.V. || [ Matthias Becker]|-| 16 || data-sort-value="Sinden" | [[Guy Sinden]] - [[Droit au corps]], [[]] || [ Guy Sinden]|-| 17 || data-sort-value="Kupferschmid" | Dr. [[Christoph Kupferschmid]] - [[BVKJ]] || [ Christoph Kupferschmid]|-| 18 || data-sort-value="Birkwald" | [[Matthias W. Birkwald]] - [[Die Linke]] || [ Matthias W. Birkwald]|-| 19 || data-sort-value="Balashinsky" | [[David Balashinsky]] - [[Jews Against Circumcision]] || [ David Balashinsky]|-| 20 || data-sort-value="Kusack" | Prof. Dr. [[Godula Kusack]] - CEO of [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] Germany || [ Godula Kusack]|-| 21 || data-sort-value="Brandenburg" | Dr. [[Jens Brandenburg]] - LGBTI political spokesman, [[FDP]] Bundestag fraction || [ Jens Brandenburg]|-| 22 || data-sort-value="Meyer" | [[Gudrun Meyer]] - [[pro familia]] NRW|| [ Gudrun Meyer]|-| 23 || data-sort-value="Ahmad" | [[Rana Ahmad]] - [[Atheist Refugee Relief]] in Germany || [ Rana Ahmad]|-| 24 || data-sort-value="Leimkühler" | [[Sven Leimkühler]] - [[Jungs e.V.]] || [ Sven Leimkühler]|-| 25 || data-sort-value="Smith" | [[David Smith]] - [[15 Square]] || [ David Smith]|-| 26 || data-sort-value="Aktor" | [[Mikael Aktor]] - [[Intact Denmark]] || [ Mikael Aktor]|-| 27 || data-sort-value="Lévy" | [[Éric Fernanché Lévy]] - [[ Brit Shalom l'Alliance sans Souffrance]] || [ Éric Fernanché Lévy]|-| 28 || data-sort-value="Nyman" | [[Johan Nyman]] - [[Intakt Norden]] || [ Johan Nyman]|}
== List of Speakers at the WWDOGA in Cologne ==
===2019 ===
* [[Victor Schiering]], [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[Renate Bernhard]], journalist and filmmaker
* Dr. [[Michael Schmidt-Salomon]], [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]]
* Dr. [[Jutta Reisinger]], general practitioner {{GP}} at [[Aktion Regen]]
* [[Shemuel Garber]], [[intaktiv]] e.V. (USA)
* [[Renate Bernhard]], [[pro familia]] NRW
* [[Ari Libsker]], journalist and filmmaker ([[Israel]])
* [[Simon Zobel]], Biologe
* [[Önder Özgeday]], [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener]] at [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[Kaan Göktaş]] (Istanbul)
* [[Renate Bernhard]], activist against ([[FGM]]), member of [[pro familia]] NRW
* [[Martin Novoa]], Legal and Bioethics Advisor to "[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]]"
* [[Markus Bauer]], [[Zwischengeschlecht]].org /
* [[Lena Nyhus]], [[Intact Denmark]]
* [[Christian Bahls]], [[MOGiS e.V.]]
== Supporting Organizations Accompanying events ===== Africa ===* [[Intact Africa]]* [[VMMC Experience Project]]
=== Australia 2022 ===* 9 to 28 May 2022:: [[Midwest Circumcision Crisis Protests]] 2022, organized by the [[AIGA IncBloodstained Men]] & Their Friends.* 7 May 2022, 7-10 am:: {{REFconference |title='''Whole means: EVERYTHING!''', Ways of genital self-determination. An annotated film evening with discussion |url= |place=PATHOS Theater, Dachauer Strasse 110 d, 80636 Munich, Germany |date=2022-05-07}}* 5 May 2022, 9 pm - 6 am:: {{REFconference |title=Genital autonomy and child protection - conference on the 10th anniversary of the "Cologne circumcision judgment" |url= |place={{UNI|Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz|JGUM}}, Atrium Maximum in the old canteen building, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 5, 55128 Mainz, Germany |date=2022-05-05}}* 7 April 2022:: {{REFconference |title='''[[Strafbarkeit der Knabenbeschneidung?|Criminal liability for circumcision of boys?]]''' Legal assessment of the medically non-indicated circumcision of boys lacking capacity against the background of medical and theological perspectives University research focus "Change in the family in the context of migration and globalization" |url= |place={{UNI|University of Lucerne|UNILU}}, seminar room 4.A05, Switzerland |date=2022-04-07}}
=== Canada 2021===* [[Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CANDue to the Corona pandemic, once more only online events and publications have been done.<ref name="MOGiS_YT_2020"/><ref name="Evangelisch">{{REFweb |url= |title=Internet-Protest gegen Genitalverstümmelung an Kindern |trans-title=Internet protest against genital mutilation on children |language=German | |date=2020-05-FAP)]] (Canada)07* [[Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership]] (Canada) |accessdate=2020-05-07}}</ref>
=== Denmark2020===* [[GynZone]]* [[Intact Denmark]]* [[Just a Snip]]Due to the Corona pandemic, only online events and publications have been done.<ref name="MOGiS_YT_2020"/><ref name="Evangelisch"/>
=== Finland 2019===* Germany** Kick-off event of the one-year awareness campaign "My body - intact and self-determined", Berlin.<ref>[ "It can not be early enough to look after child protection!"], [[HPD]]</ref>* [[Israel]]** Israeli intact activists demonstrate against children against [[MGM]].* Kenya** First demo of Kenyan Intactivists at the Okalo Market in Matunga, Kakamega County.* Norway** Event "Bodily integrity and [[genital autonomy]]" in Turku, organized by ''JÅ - Intresseföreningen för jämställdhet vid ÅA''.* USA** San Francisco: Demo and Jonathon Conte Memorial Luncheon, organized by [[Genital Autonomy America]].** US Heartland: 16-day demo in various American cities, organized by [[Sexpo FoundationBloodstained Men]]& Their Friends.
=== France 2018===* Germany** On the occasion of this year's main topic "[[FGM|Female genital mutilation]] in Asia", [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] held a panel discussion on the 6th of May in the Old Firestation in Cologne.* [[Israel]]** Israelic intactivists celebrated a "Conciousness Day Circumcision" for the first time on this day.* USA** San Francisco: The [[Droit au corpsBay Area Intactivists]]demonstrated near the Ferry Building.
=== Germany 2017===* [[100 % Mensch – Liebe Recht Respekt]]Germany* [[]]* [[Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne]] - ''(Nationwide Working Group of Secular Greens)''<ref> WWDOGA in-koeln/</ref>* [[BVKJ]] - ''(Professional Association of Paediatricians (Germany))''* [[DAKJ]] - ''(German Academy for Childrens was introduced by a press conference in Berlin on May 4th, and Youth Medicine)closed by a symposium ''* [[Deutscher Frauenring]] Jungenbeschneidung in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme''(German Women Circle)''* [[Deutsches Kinderbulletin]]* [[DIE LINKE]] LAG queer BadenCircumcision on boys in Germany -Württemberg* [[DIE LINKE]] LAG Laizismus Bayern* [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener]] - ''(Experts Circle of Circumcision Affected Onesan inventory)'' - at [[MOGiS ethe {{UNI|University Düsseldorf|HHU}} on May 8th.V.]]* [[Förderkreis AIDS- und FGM-Aufklärung]] e.V.USA* * Denver: [[Forum MännerIntactivists]] - ''(Forum Men in Theory demonstrated between California and Practice of Gender Relations)''Stout Street.* [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]]* Los Angeles: [[GSSG]] NOCIRC|Genital Autonomy - Gemeinnützige Stiftung Sexualität und Gesundheit* [[HennaMondAmerica]] e.V. hosted films and discussions of the common ground surrounding non- Muttherapeutic genital cutting of male, female, Rat und Lebenshilfe* [[HVD]] - ''(German Humanists Union)''* [[IBKA]] - ''(International League of Non-religious and Atheists)''* [[Ibn Rushd–Goethe Moschee]]* [[Initiative gegen Gewalt und sexuellen Missbrauch an Kindern und Jugendlichen]] eintersex children.V.* [[(I)NTACT]]* [[Intaktiv]]* San Diego: [[JungsIntactivists]] e.V.* demonstrated in front of the [[Lobby für MädchenACOG]] e.V.* [[M.E.L.I.N.A Inzestkinder/Menschen aus VerGEWALTigung]] e.V.* [[MOGiS e.V.]] - A Voice for Affected Ones* [[NetzwerkB]] - ''(Victim's Network and informed the doctors about the harmful consequences of Gender-biased Violence)''* [[Partei der Humanisten]] ''(Humanists Party)''* [[PiratenparteiRIC]] - ''(Pirates Party)''* [[Pro familia]] Augsburg e.V.* [[Pro familia]] NRW* San Francisco: The [[Projekt 100% MENSCHBay Area Intactivists]]* [[Schlupfwinkel]] e.V. Nuremberg* [[Schwules Netzwerk NRW]] e.V.* [[Säkulare Flüchtlingshilfe]] e.V.* [[TABU edemonstrated in the streets.V.|TABU International e.V.]] - Gegen Genitalverstümmelung, für Frauen- und Kinderrechte* [[TERRE DES FEMMES]]* [[Väteraufbruch für Kinder]] - Kreisverein Köln e.V.* [[Verband medizinischer Fachberufe]] e.V.* [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime]] - ''(Central Council of Ex-Muslims)''
=== Great Britain 2016===* Australia** Sydney: [[Intactivists]] from [[Genital AutonomyAIGA Inc.]]demonstrated in William Street.* Germany* * The WWDOGA in Germany was accompanied by four in film and discussion events, where the films ''Circumcision'' by [[Men Do ComplainAri Libsker]], ''Hibos Lied - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und die Macht der Tradition'' by [[Renate Bernhard]] and Sigrid Dethlof, and the animated short film ''Hermes und Aphrodite'' by Gregor Zootsky were shown in Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Berlin.<ref></ref>* UK** London: [[NORMIntactivists]] from London demonstrated in the city with banners and info sheets.* USA** Cathedral City (California): On two days, films around the topic of circumcision were shown and discussed.** Charleston (WV): On the WWDOGA, the 3rd day of the ''Mid-Atlantic, White House & Ob-Gyn Circumcision Crisis Protests'' took place.** Denver: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated between California and Stout Street.** New York: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated peacefully against circmcision of children at the Union Square.<ref></ref>** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]]demonstrated in the streets.<ref></ref>
=== Iceland 2015===* [[Intact Iceland]]In Germany, the WWDOGA was followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference in the ''Haus der Jugend'' (Youth Hostel) in Frankfurt/Main.
=== Israel 2014===* In Germany, a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in Cologne, being organized by [[Ben ShalemMOGiS e.V.]]* [[KAHAL]]* and [[Protect the Childpro familia]]NRW.
==Supporting organizations = Kenya ===* [[Intact Kenya]]* [[VMMC Experience Project]] === Netherlands ===* [[Intact Nederland]] === Switzerland ===* [[Intact Switzerland]]* [[Pro Kinderrechte CH]] === Uganda ===* [[VMMC Experience Project]] === USA ===* ''See [[Attorneys for the Rights Worldwide Day of the Child]], California* [[Bay Area Intactivists]]* [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]]* [[Genital Autonomy America]]* [[Intact America]]* [[Intaction]]* [[Jews Against Circumcision]]* [[NOCIRC]]* [[Your Whole Baby/Supporters]].''
* {{URLwebsite||2019-09-16}}
* {{URLwikipedia|World_Wide_Day_of_Genital_Autonomy|World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy|2021-08-02}}
* {{URL-FBpage|WorldDayofGenitalAutonomy|2019-09-16}}
[[Category:Campaign DayBSM]]
 [[Category:Africa]][[Category:Australia]][[Category:Canada]][[Category:Denmark]][[Category:Finland]][[Category:France]][[Category:Germany]][[Category:Iceland]][[Category:Israel]][[Category:Kenya]][[Category:Netherlands]][[Category:Switzerland]][[Category:UgandaCampaign day]][[Category:UKHuman rights]][[Category:USAInitialism]]
[[de:Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy]]
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