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20,000 nerve endings

38 bytes added, 11:27, 4 October 2019
updated wikilink to Matthias Franz
* '''[[PflegeWiki]]''': "And more than 20,000 nerve endings are irreversibly removed."<ref></ref> - In the link to Bazett et al. is not such a number.
* Book of [[Matthias Franz|M. Franz]]: '''„Die Beschneidung von Jungen – Ein trauriges Vermächtnis“''': Even there it is without proof: "it [the [[foreskin]]] has around 20,000 nerve endings, ..." - The reference to Hartman 2012 contains no number and the on Jaermann 2010 gives "over 1000": '''Scheinfeld''' in [[Matthias Franz|M. Franz]], Die Beschneidung von Jungen, 2014, p. 364
* Book of [[Lindsay R. Watson|L.R. Watson]]: “... there are tens of thousands of nerve endings, …”(K. Hakuya, Es beginnt mit einem Teil, in L.R. Watson, Unaussprechliche Verstümmelungen, 2015, p. 101) – without proof.
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