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Opposing circumcision on minors isn't antisemitic
[[Intactivists]] are often subject to a generalized '''Antisemitism''' (also spelled '''anti-semitism''' or '''anti-Semitism''') is hostility to, prejudice towards, because they also engage or discrimination against [[MGM]] on boys of Jewish parentsJews. These allegations are generally unfounded, if only because the deliberate exclusion of the boys of Jewish parents in legal questions would be a group<ref>{{URLwikipedia|Antisemitism|Antisemitism|2022-05-17}}</ref><ref name="Oxford">{{REFweb |url= special treatment, which in turn would have to be regarded as semitism |title=anti-Semitism, following the logics |website=Oxford Dictionaries - English |accessdate=2018-10-27}}</ref><ref name="MWdef">{{REFweb |url= |title=anti-Semitism |publisher=Merriam-Webster Dictionary |accessdate=2018-10-27}}</ref>
A uniformEvery now and then, [[intactivists]] are generally binding definition assumed to be antisemitic, because they also engage against [[MGM]] on boys of antiJewish parents. These allegations are generally unfounded, if only because the deliberate exclusion of the boys of Jewish parents in legal questions would be a group-Semitism doesn't seem specific special treatment, which in turn would have to be regarded as antisemitism, following the logics. If intactivists were to existprotect all children from genital mutilation that was not medically indicated, but omit the children of Jewish parents, they would have to be accused of antisemitism.
==Anti-Semitism contradiction==A uniform, generally binding definition of antisemitism doesn't seem to exist. There are different attempts at a definition. See below for a tiny selection of definitions.
== Definitions of antisemitism ==* "Hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people."<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Anti-Semitism, English Definition |website=Lexico |accessdate=2022-02-15}}</ref>* "hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group"<ref name="MWdef"/> The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Plenum suggested the following working definition of antisemitism:{{Citation |Title=IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism |Text=Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. |Author=International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Plenum |ref=<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=What is antisemitism? - Non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism |website=IHRA |date=2016-05-26 |accessdate=2022-02-15}}</ref>}} == History ==Antisemitism has existed for at least 2,500 years.  Notably, the Book of Esther reports the case of Haman the Agagite who wanted to slay all Jews.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Esther Chapter 3 |last= |first= |init= |publisher=Bible Gateway |date= |accessdate=2024-02-15}}</ref> This occurred in the years 483-473 BCE.  The Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) required Jews to either convert to Roman Catholicism or leave Spain.<ref>{{URLwikipedia|Spanish_Inquisition|Spanish Inquisition|2024-02-16}}</ref> Germany, under the Nazi regime (1933-1945), instituted the greatest pogrom of all time against its Jewish citizens, resulting in the death of 6,000,000 Jews.<ref>{{URLwikipedia|The_Holocaust|The Holocaust|2024-02-16}}</ref>  These acts of antisemitism were not caused by the [[intactivist]] movement. It is a fallacy to associate antisemitism with [[intactivism]]. == Opposing circumcision on minors isn't antisemitic ==The United Nations was charged with the development of international human rights law at its conception in 1945. A fundamental, important principal of human rights law is the universality of human rights. That means that everyone without exception, including male and female, young and old, Jew and gentile, enjoy the same [[human rights]]. ''Security of the person'' is one of the most fundamental of human rights.<ref>{{REFdocument |url= |title=International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (official document) |publisher=United Nations |date=1967 |format=PDF |accessdate=2024-02-06}}</ref> It is universal and applies to everyone without exception. The [[Abrahamic covenant]] requires that the human right of boys born into Jewish homes to ''security of the person'' be violated. [[Brit Milah| Circumcision]] of a boy born into a Jewish home, therefore, is an antisemitic act.<ref>Circumcision actually is an amputation of substantial amounts of functional, erogenous, protective [[foreskin]] tissue from the [[penis]], so it is a major violation of the security of the person.</ref> Opposing [[circumcision]] has nothing to do with antisemitism which is defined as being or acting against Jews because they are Jews, not because they do this or that. Opposition to [[circumcision]] is opposing a harmful action: medically unnecessary [[amputation]] of healthy, functional tissue from the genitals of non consenting minors, completely independent of parental beliefs. According to a White Paper published by the Danish Mosaic Religious Society, no Jew will deny an [[intact]] boy the right to his membership of the Jewish society:{{Citation |Text=You are born a Jew if you are born to a Jewish mother. In principle, there are no Jewish dogma, which means, among other things, that one cannot "deprive" a Jew of his identity as a Jew. There are Jews who do not abide by Jewish rules in any form whatsoever, and others who have cherry-picked among those rules and only adhere to the rules they want. This also applies to circumcision. It might be said this way: <q>For most Jews it is crucial to be circumcised, but it is not essential to be circumcised to be a Jew.</q> |Author=Danish Mosaic Religious Society |Source=White Paper: om rituel omskærelse af drenge, page 14 |ref=<ref>{{REFdocument |title=White Paper: om rituel omskærelse af drenge |url= | |format=PDF |date=2012 |accessdate=2020-03-14}}</ref>}} If this statement is true, and there are no reasons to doubt it, Jewish males, for whom it is vital to be [[circumcised]], can be circumcised as they turn of age, and they will still be valid members of the Jewish community. Furthermore:In 2007, the [[WHO]] found that 30% of the world’s male population were [[circumcised]]. Those 30% were distributed like this* 69% Muslims* 0.8% Jews* 13% North Americans* 17.2% Others Following these numbers, male Jews who are [[circumcised]] make up at most 0.8 % of the world's [[circumcised]] men (i.e. eight per thousand).<ref>{{REFweb |title=Male circumcision: global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability |url= |publisher=[[WHO]] |date=2007 |page=7 |format=PDF |accessdate=2020-03-14}}</ref> Therefore, it is totally improper to claim that opposing [[circumcision]] is an expression of antisemitism or neo-Nazism. Opposition to non-medical [[circumcision]] of minors as a parental right is directed against the act regardless of the parents' religious affiliation, and not just against the at most 0.8% Jewish [[Brit Milah| circumcisions]]. == Antisemitism contradiction ===== Conceptual antisemitism in Judaism ===The German website '''' sees an "anti-Semitism antisemitism contradiction in the Jewish religion created by [[Circumcision]]":
| Text=Anti-Semitism Antisemitism is definitely the violation of the [[human rights ]] of a Jew because he is a Jew, circumcision of the male child is a violation of [[human rights]], Jewish circumcision is done because the child is a Jew, so Jewish circumcision is an antiantisemitic act.<br>The conclusion is that if circumcision is the foundation of the Jewish religion, the foundation of the Jewish religion is an antisemitic act.<br>[[German Circumcision Act|§ 1631d BGB]] was created to enable Jewish circumcision. § 1631d BGB is therefore antisemitism by law. Antisemitism by law is fascist legislation. |Author=N.N. | |ref=<ref>{{REFweb |url= act2016.html#beschneidung-antisemitismuswiderspruch-judentum |title=Der durch die Beschneidung erzeugte Antisemitismuswiderspruch in der jüdischen Religion |trans-title=Anti-Semitism Generated by Circumcision Contradiction in the Jewish Religion |language=German |date=2016 |accessdate=2022-02-15}}</ref>}}
=== Antisemitism among (German) politicians ===The conclusion antisemitism contradiction can not only be found in the religion itself, but also in the actions of German politicians in particular. If they e.g. deny the own human and fundamental rights of children of Jewish parents, out of fear of being accused of antisemitism - which is that if circumcision factually completely false - although they are fundamentally opposed to genital mutilation, this behavior is itself antisemitic, because such politicians do not consider children of Jewish parents to be worthy of protection (mostly obviously due to the foundation fear of the [[Antisemitism club]]). This attitude is often justified by the believe that Germans would have no right to judge Jewish religionculture and tradition because of their German history, which further reinforces the foundation antisemitic exclusion of children of Jewish parents from the all-encompassing understanding of [[human rights]] and makes such statements even worse. In addition, genital mutilation in children that is not medically indicated is played down and justified here as "culture" and "tradition", which also proves double standards, since no German politician is known who would also describe [[FGM]] in this way. == Note on IntactiWiki's own behalf =='''NO ANTISEMITISM:''' IntactiWiki has signed the '''[[Standing Against Antisemitism]]''' statement opposing [[antisemitism]] within the genital autonomy movement at [[Beyond the Bris]]. {{SEEALSO}}* [[Beyond the Bris]]* [[Antisemitism club]]* [[Issues with male circumcision and the Roman Catholic Church]]* [[Judaism]] {{LINKS}}* Rothenberg M. [ Ending circumcision in the Jewish religion is community?] Presented at The Second International Symposium on Circumcision, San Francisco, California, April 30-May 3, 1991.* {{REFjournal |last=Goodman |first=Jenny |init=J |author-link=Jenny Goodman |etal=no |title=Jewish circumcision: an alternative perspective |journal=BJU Int |location= |date=1999-01 |volume=83 |issue=1 |pages=22-7 |url= |pubmedID=10349411 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1046/j.1464-410x.1999.0830s1022.x |accessdate=2021-06-29}}* {{REFweb |url= act.semitism-and-opposition/ |last=Romberg |first=Rosemary |author-link=Rosemary Romberg |website=peaceful beginnings |title=Anti-Semitism and Opposition |date=2012-04 |accessdate=2020-03-03}}
[[German Circumcision Act|§ 1631d BGB]] was created to enable Jewish circumcision. § 1631d BGB is therefore anti-Semitism by law. Anti-Semitism by law is fascist legislation.
| Author=N.N.
| ref=<ref></ref>}}

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