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add Germany 2010
== Germany ==
2010: On November 4, 2010 a Muslim doctor circumcised an at the time four years old boy of Muslim parents at their request on the rules of medical art in his practice. Strong haemorrhage resulted in that the mother brought the boy on November 6, 2010, in the University Hospital of Cologne, where the bleeding could be stopped. The Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that the treatment after the circumcision was carried out "in general anesthesia". The boy had come for several days in a children's ward. Three dressing changes have also taken place in anesthesia. The doctor's letter also states the exposed penis surface and the glans were "uneven, corroded and fibrinous". The boy had been for ten days in clinical treatment over all.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Beschneidungs-Urteil des Landgerichts Köln: Vierjähriger Junge war mehrfach in Narkose
|trans-title=Circumcision judgment of the district court Cologne: four-year-old boy was several times under anesthesia
|publisher=Süddeutsche Zeitung
Although the offense of assault was found, the doctor was acquitted due to lack of case law on the subject of the present circumcision, because he had acted in an unavoidable mistake and therefore without guilt (§ 17 sentence 1 Criminal Code). See [[Cologne circumcision court judgment]] for more details.
== Sweden ==
2019: The Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reports that the doctor Peter Borenstein has circumcised thousands of boys with sugar solution as the only anesthetic.<ref name="SVD2019">{{REFjournal