John Ellis

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John Ellis, born in Montreal, Canada, is an intactivist airline pilot who now lives in South Florida. John's specialty is writing letters to public figures about male circumcision.

Ellis says, "“Talk about equality in our culture — not to mention in international human rights documents — is based on a foundation of hypocrisy. We don’t treat boys and girls equally,” he continues. “Girls get more comforting, while there’s a ubiquitous lack of sensitivity and empathy toward men and their genitalia. Essentially, circumcision constitutes the systematic bullying of baby boys, who are picked on because they cannot defend themselves.”

Georganne Chapin, director of Intact America commented, "“As all of us know, every letter, every conversation, plants a seed, which in turn takes root and grows. John’s persistent outreach, and his clear presentation of facts, law, and ethics around male genital mutilation, are doing their job. The intactivist movement — and American boys — are lucky to have John Ellis working alongside us.”

Chapin honored Ellis as "intactivist of the month" in November 2015.

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