Adrian Mindel

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Adrian Mindel from Australia is member of the alleged medical organization Circumcision Academy of Australia, driven by circumfetishist Brian J. Morris, where Mindel is or was a colleague professor of Morris.

Research about Willcourt

The Intactivists of Australasia have collected more information about Mindel as quoted below:

Like Lowy, Mindel is named on Crikey’s ‘Register of Influence’. Mindel is a Professor of Sexual Health Medicine at the University of Sydney. He is also a board member of the ‘The Australian Herpes Management Forum’, which receives funding from several large drug companies, principally Novartis. As with Lowy, Mindel has declined to respond to Crikey’s listing on the register.

Given the above, it appears valid to ask the following question: Is Mindel’s stance on circumcision based on ‘public health advocacy, or something else?[1]

See also


  1. REFweb (23 August 2012). Meet the Circumcision Academy of Australia. Retrieved 7 July 2022.