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Seventh International Symposium

228 bytes added, 09:54, 23 December 2019
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'''Jeannine Parvati Baker''', MS, Director, NOCIRC of Utah – Joseph,co-founder, Six Directions, and author. Joseph, Utah, USA.<br>
'''Peter Ball''', MA, MB, B Chir, retired family practitioner, member, NORM-UK, and producer and director, non-surgical foreskin restoration video. Turnbridge Wells, Kent, UK.<br>
'''Michel Beauge''', Medical Doctor and Sexologist, Vice Chairman, National Union of Sexologists, Secretary General, Group of Western France Sexologists for Advanced Training. Quimper,France.<br>
'''Mary Conant''', RN, nurse conscientious objector to circumcision, co-founder of Nurses for the Rights of the Child, and Director, NOCIRC of NM. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.<br>
'''Amber Craig''', MS, Director, NOCIRC of North Carolina and coordinator, Medicaid Project. Chapel Hill, NC, USA.<br>
'''George C. Denniston''', MD, MPH, founder and Director, Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) and author. Norland, Washington, USA. <br>
'''Milton Diamond''', PhD, Professor, University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine, host and co-producer, PBS TV series, Human Sexuality, President, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, and Past President, International Academy for Sex Research. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.<br>
'''Steve C. Donnell''', MB, ChB, FRCS, DCH, FRCS Ed, senior registrar, pediatric surgery and urology, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK, and consultant pediatric surgeon, Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Birmingham, UK.<br>
'''Laurie Evans''', Director, NOCIRC of New York – Hudson Valley. Katonah, NY, USA.<br>
'''Rudolph P. Fedrizzi''', MD, board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, Northern New Mexico Women’s Health and Birth Center. Taos, New Mexico, USA.<br>
'''Paul Fleiss''', MD, MPH, assistant clinical professor of pediatrics, University of Southern California Medical Center, pediatrician,and author. Los Angeles, California, USA.<br>
'''Duane Jorde''', Director, NOCIRC of Hawaii, co-ordinator,“Fathers in Rebellion” exhibit. Honolulu, HI, USA.<br>
'''Van Lewis''', Director, NOCIRC of Florida. Panacea, Florida, USA.<br>Hanny Lightfoot-Klein, MA, cross-cultural sexologist, clinical supervisor, The American Board of Sexology, and author. Tucson, Arizona, USA.<br>
'''David J. Llewellyn''', BA, JD, practicing attorney at law representing plaintiffs in wrongful circumcision and other genital injury cases. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.<br>
'''Linda Massie''', BSc, PG/Dip, founder and Director, NOCIRC of Northern Ireland. Glengormley, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.<br>
'''Harry Meislahn''', BA, MBA, magna cum laude graduate in Economics, Harvard, MBA recipient, Harvard Business School, and Director, NOCIRC of Illinois. Winnetka, IL, USA.<br>
'''Shane Peterson''', PhD, affiliated with the International Office for Men’s Health and Gender Studies, School of Nursing and Public Health, Edith Cowan University, Director, NOCIRC of Australia. Canberra, ACT, Australia.<br>
'''Mark Reiss''', MD, retired physician, active member of a Conservative synagogue, child’s rights activist, and researcher. San Francisco, CA, USA.<br>
'''Marianne M. Sarkis''', MA, applied medical anthropologist, Director, Female Genital Mutilation Awareness and Education Project of NOCIRC, originator of first female genital mutilation website. Albany, CA, USA.<br>
'''Steve Scott''', Educational Outreach Coordinator, National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, Director, NOCIRC of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT, USA.<br>
'''Morris Sorrells''', MD, retired pediatrician, consultant, andresearcher. Port Ludlow, WA, USA.<br>
'''J. Steven Svoboda''', JD, founder and Director, Attorneys for theRights of the Child (ARC). Berkeley, California, USA.<br>
'''John Taylor''', MB, FRCPC, pathologist (retired), Health Sciences Centre and University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.<br>
'''Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin''', PhD, Director, The Israeli Association Against Genital Mutilation, and currently a medical student. Sturt, South Australia, Australia. <br>
* [[First International Symposium]]
* [[Second International Symposium]]
* [[Third International Symposium]]
* [[Fourth International Symposium]]
* [[Fifth International Symposium]]
* [[Sixth International Symposium]]
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