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Tenth International Symposium

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1150 – 1225 Three-Fourths Were abnormal”– Misha’s case, Sick Societies, and the Law –J. Steven Svoboda<br>
1225 – 1300 Hospital’s Duty: Informed consent –Zenas Baer<br>
1300 - 1400 Lunch<br><br>SESSION 2 LAW, ETHICS & hUMAN HUMAN RIGHTS (2)Chair, Marie Fox<br>
1400 – 1430 Violating all codes – George C. Denniston<br>
1430 – 1500 Female genital mutilation: a human Rights Issue – Comfort Momoh<br>
1500 – 1600 International Organizations, Political Interests: One group’s Experience – Seham Abd el Salam and Sarah Enan<br>
1600 – 1615 Tea<br>
1615 – 1730 The goal Posts Don’t move – Paul Mason<br>1730 – 1800 The Local Process for gaining agreement to create an FGM Protocol – Janette Shaw<br>1800 – 1830 Thanks by Session chairs closing Remarks – Marilyn Milos Business of the Evening – David Smith<br>1830 – 1900 Reception – Raven Mason Suite (Keele Hall)<br>1900 - Dinner – Comus Restaurant<br><br> SESSION 3/1 FORESkIN RESTORATION, Chair, Peter Ball<br>2030 – 2115 Foreskin Restoration<br> 1980 - 2008 – Wayne Griffiths<br>2115 – 2200 Restoration: The Foreskin and the American Dream – Ron Low<br><br>SESSION 3/2 CONSIDERATIONS OF INFANtILE SEXUAL MUTILAtION, Chair, Andrew Tinson<br>2030 – 2200 Rites, Rights, and Wrongs (Psychoanalysis of Sexual mutilation/Sexual mutilation of Psychoanalysis) Excision, circumcision, “Hush, It’s for Your Own Sake! (A Presentation of ISM) Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed against ISM – Sigismond (Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux) 
==Conference organisers==
Marilyn Fayre Milos, RN, [ National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers]<br>David Smith, General Manager, and Dr. John Warren, Chairman and Founder, [ NORM-UK]<br>Professors Michael Thomson and Marie Fox, [ University of Keele School of Law]</center>

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