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Morten Frisch

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{{Construction Site}}'''Morten Frisch''' is a Danish epidemiologist who works as a consultant and senior investigator at the [ Statens Serum Institut] in Copenhagen.
'''Morten Frisch''' is a prominent Danish medical doctorreceived his M.D. in 1989, his Ph.D. in 1995, and his D.Sc. in 2002, all from the [ University of Copenhagen]. In 2008, he was appointed an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen. In 2012, he was appointed an adjunct professor of sexual health epidemiology at [ Aalborg University].
It is possible that professor Professor Morten Frisch does not identify as an [[intactivist]]. Nevertheless, the area of genital integrity and the medical and ethical effects of [[circumcision]] are part of his areas of interest and he has published several papers about the subject.
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