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Rights situation on circumcision

37 bytes added, 13:27, 9 March 2020
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Therefore, a non-therapeutic circumcision of a male child lacking competence and understanding for whatever reason is generally legal. A right of veto for the affected boys was turned down in parliament, as well as a proposed change destined to introduce an evaluation of the regulations after five years. Giving the Ministry of Heath the right to determine more specific guidance - for example regarding pain management and the qualification and training of non-medical circumcisers - by issuing additional regulations was also rejected. A call for mandatory documentation of non-therapeutic circumcisions was ignored. Merely stating the intent to have the operation performed according to proper medical standards was considered sufficient.
In December 2012, a representative poll done by [ Infratest dimap ] revealed that only 24 percent of the interviewed citizens were in favour of the law, while 70 percent explicitly disapproved of it.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung lehnt Beschneidungsgesetz ab

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