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Pierre Crouse

718 bytes added, 10:09, 19 March 2020
replaced dead links by web archive links (note: REFweb requires a URL)
'''Pierre Crouse''' is a Canadian physician centered in Calgary, Alberta. One of his main practices is infant circumcision, he has a website<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
Crouse's website is a near mirror-image of that of [[Neil Pollock]]'s. Some of the diagram images he uses are exactly the same, and some of the statements are repeated verbatim. Like Pollock, Crouse espouses the [[Mogen]] technique,<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=At Intramed, Dr. Crouse performs the Mogen circumcision technique.
|title=Parents’ guide to Circumcision
}}</ref> and he advertises it as "new, safe, and virtually painless",<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Learn more about the Mogen Circumcision Technique, a new, safe and virtually painless procedure performed in less than a minute.
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
}}</ref> as well being "quick, [with] minimal discomfort, and virtually bloodless."<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Quick, Minimal Discomfort, Virtually Bloodless
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
Except for a few changes in wording, Pollock and Crouse's "Parents' Guide to Circumcision" pages are nearly identical, advertizing the [[Mogen]] technique as taking less than a minute, and advertizing identical pain control methods of Tylenol, sugar, and a local anaesthetic injection.<ref name="LessThan1Minute">{{REFweb
|quote=Our procedure takes less than 1 minute. (many times faster than most hospital circumcisions) We use extensive pain control methods including Tylenol, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perception), topical freezing and a local anesthetic injection.
|title=Parents’ guide to Circumcision
Pollock and Crouse's "Parents' Guide to Circumcision" pages can be compared [ here] and [{{REFweb |url= |title=here] |accessdate=2020-03-19}}. (Pages last viewed on May 4th, 2011)
== Misleading Information ==
"Virtually Bloodless" appears in Pierre Crouse's website exactly as it does on Neil Pollock's, and just the same, information on blood control can be found on other parts of Crouse's website.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=First, the cut edge seals and the bleeding ceases within minutes, hours, or even over the course of an entire day.
|title=After the Circumcision
|quote=A small amount of bleeding is normal. A small amount of bleeding is normal.
|title=Frequently asked questions
Like [[Neil Pollock]], Pierre Crouse promises the [[Mogen]] technique, along with his pain control methods to be "painless," affirming his customers with his surgical and anaesthesia background.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=With his surgical and anesthesia background he is convinced that the Mogen circumcision technique with 4 steps pain control protocol is the most effective and painless method available.
|title=About Dr. Crouse
As Neil Pollock, Pierre Crouse sells the [[Mogen]] circumcision technique as a new and recent development.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Learn more about the Mogen Circumcision Technique, a new, safe and virtually painless procedure performed in less than a minute.
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
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