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The children in this case are two boys, aged 6 and 4. They have a 34-year-old English mother and a 36-year-old Algerian Muslim father. The parental relationship has broken down. This case addresses the arrangement for the care of the two boys.
Non-therapeutic ritual [[circumcision]] of the two boys is a major issue in this case, because the father wants to take the boys to Algeria to be circumcised in accordance with Islamic tradition. The mother, on the other hand, wants to defer any circumcision until the boys can decide for themselves.
The Court heard testimony on the medical and religious aspects of non-therapeutic child circumcision.
The Court considered these matters at length in a 37-page opinion and order. The Court provided a history of British circumcision jurisprudence, including the recent case of [[Re B and G (children) (No 2) EWFC 3| Re B and G (Children)(No 2) [2015] EWFC 3]], [2015] 1 FLR 905 in which Sir James Munby ruled that male circumcision caused “significant harm”, and from which the Court quoted extensively.

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