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Parental circumcision information on line

210 bytes added, 15:58, 10 December 2022
[[Geoffrey T. Falk]], when still a graduate student (1996), used his technical knowledge to create the Circumcision Information and Resource Pages ([[CIRP]]), while [[Marilyn Fayre Milos]], R. N.{{RN}}, created a website for the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers ([[NOCIRC]]). [[George C. Denniston]], M.D. M.P.H.{{MD}}, {{MPH}}, created a website for [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]] (DOC).
[[Intactivists]], both in the United States and other nations, have since created additional websites, so there now is a profusion of readily available information regarding male circumcision.
Comprehensive [[:Category:Database|Internet databases]] on the subject of [[circumcision]] are now also available.
===Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy===
The [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy ]] (AIGA) was founded by the late [[Paul Mason]] to apply principles of [[human rights ]] to the practice of child genital cutting in Australasia, so as to advance the Genital Autonomy in Australasia. The AIGA provides information for parents.
* [ [Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]]
===Circumcision Information Australia===
[[Circumcision Info Australia| Circumcision Information Australia]], created by Dr [[George L. Williams]], M. B., a {{AUSC|NSW }} paediatrician, and Shane Peterson, Ph. D.{{PhD}}, maintains an extensive website with extensive information on every aspect of non-therapeutic child circumcision for parents in [[Australia]] and elsewhere.
* [ Circumcision Information Australia]
===Circumcision Information and Resource Pages===
The [[CIRP| Circumcision Information and Resource Pages]] were created by [[Geoffrey T. Falk ]] in 1996. There are two parts. The first part provides information for parents while the second part, which is called the Circumcision Reference Library, contains medical, legal, ethical, and [[human rights ]] material. Many other websites have linked to the important documents in the Library. The website is now in repose and has not been updated since 2013. so So the most recent material is not available there. Falk has assigned control of the website to the [[Children's Health and Human Rights Partnership]].
* [ Circumcision Information and Resource Pages]
===Gếraldine Géraldine Claise===
* {{REFweb
===National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers===
[[Marilyn Fayre Milos]], R. N.{{RN}}, organized the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) in 1985, before the Internet was available. Information was placed in a series of leaflets that were mailed to people who requested information. Those leaflets were printed on two sides of a single sheet of letter-size paper in landscape mode. Those leaflets are available today in downloadable PDF files from which leaflets can be created by printing the two pages on opposite sides of one sheet of paper and folded into thirds to create six panels.
The text is also available in HTML files that may be viewed on the website.
The website of the National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM) was created by [[Tim Hammond]] in 1992.
===[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]] ===
{{UNI|University of Washington|UW}} [ University of Washington School of Medicine] Professor [[George C. Denniston]], {{MD}}, {{MPH }}, founded [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)| Doctors Opposing Circumcision]] (DOC) in 1995. DOC published a very comprehensive 12-chapter, 64-page ''Genital Integrity Policy'' on its website in 2008. That policy statement remained on the DOC website until 2016. At that time DOC redesigned and updated its website. The Genital Integrity Policy was relocated to the Research Hub website where it resides today. It continues to be of interest to parents who are concerned about a son's genital integrity.
* {{REFdocument
|contribution=Medical Ethics and the Circumcision of Children
|publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]
===Circumcision Resource Center===
The [[Circumcision Resource Center]] was founded in 1991 by [[Ronald Goldman]], Ph.D{{PhD}}. The website of the Circumcision Resource Center provides information to parents with some emphasis on psychological issues.
* [ Circumcision Resource Center]
[[Category:Parental information]]
[[de:Internet-Informationen für Eltern zur Beschneidung]]

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