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Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy

2,867 bytes added, 15:34, 4 May 2021
added 2021 time schedule draft
== List of Speakers at the WWDOGA in Cologne ==
=== 2021 ===
The speeches on WWDOGA 2021 are not held live in Cologne because of the ongoing Corona Pandemic in 2021, but will be shared via video message in the [ YouTube channel] by [[MOGiS e.V.]]. Here is the draft time schedule:
: 09:30-09:50 - Introduction
: 09:50-10:00 - Greetings [[Ulrike Bahr]], MdB, Rapporteur for child and youth welfare of the [[SPD]] parliamentary group
: 10:00-11:30 - „The business with the foreskin“ – Live discussion with Dr. [[Bernhard Stier]], Dr. [[Wolfgang Bühmann]], Prof. Dr. [[Matthias Franz]], [[Volker Handke]] & [[Gunter Neubauer]] (Mod. [[Victor Schiering]])
: 11:30-12:15 - News from Australia – video clips – social media activitiesw, [[Foreskin Revolution]] / [[Darbon Institute]], [[Michael Winnel]], N.N. (Australia)
: 12:15-12:30 - Live talk - [[Katja Keul]], MdB, Spokeswoman for legal policy of the [[Bündnis 90/Die Grünen]] Bundestag parliamentary group
: 12:55-13:00 - Film: „We stay on the ball!“ [[Lobby for Girls]] e.V.
: 13:00-13:50 - „Circumcision in Islam“ - [[Seyran Ateş]] (Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque Berlin) talking with Prof. [[Mohamed Fahmy]] (pediatric surgeon)
: 13:50-13:55 - The Sex Organs – Music Slot 1 (The Netherlands/Switzerland)
: 13:55-14:00 - Landearbeitsgemeinschaft [[Jungen*- und Männer*arbeit Bayern]] e.V.: Statement [[Matthias Becker]], 1. chairman
: 14:45-14:55 - [[Men Do Complain]] / Statement [[Richard Duncker]] (UK)
: 14:55-15:00 - Statement - [[Partei der Humanisten]], [[Maria Krause]], deputy chairwoman
: 15:00-15:15 - Live interview: „FGM and how to counter it“, Prof. Dr. [[Godula Kosack]], CEO [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] e.V.
: 15:15-15:20 - [[Jungs]] e.V. / Statement [[Sven Leimkühler]]
: 15:30-16:00 - Live talk [[Säkulare Flüchtlingshilfe]] e.V., with [[Lilith Raza]], [[Rana Ahmad]] & [[Stefan Paintner]]
: 16:00-16:30 - [[Projekt 100% MENSCH]] live talk, [[Holger Edmaier]], and [[Lucie Veith]]
: 16:30-17:15 - [[Action Rain]] Vienna: Interview with the rain worker [[Margaret Bachlechner]] about [[FGM]] (Kenya/Austria)
: 17:15-17:45 - Live talk about the legal situation, Prof. Dr. [[Christoph Mandla]]
: 18:00-18:15 - [[Intakt Norden]]: Live news from the Nordic countries, with [[Johan Nyman]]
: 18:30-19:15 - „We all aren't here voluntarily“ – Live discussion with [[Ephraim Seidenberg]], [[Manasseh Seidenberg]], [[Muhammet Savci]], [[Alexander Bachl]] & [[Victor Schiering]] (Germany/Switzerland)
: 19:15-20:00 - Live talk [[15 Square]]: „Legal affairs“, Prof. [[Peter W. Adler]], [[David Smith]], [[Jason Metters]] (USA/UK)
: 20:00-20:30 - Live from Israel: „Circumcision in Israel“, [[Ronit Tamir]] ([[KAHAL]])
: 20:50-21:00 - The Sex Organs – Music Slot 2 (The Netherlands/Switzerland)
: 21:00-21:30 - Live presentation - [[Intaction]], [[Anthony Losquadro]] (USA)
=== 2020 ===
The speeches on WWDOGA 2020 were not held live in Cologne because of the Corona Pandemic 2020, but were shared via video message in the [ YouTube channel] by [[MOGiS e.V.]], with [[Victor Schiering]] from [[MOGiS e.V.]] having three messages:
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