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1,794 bytes added, 14:12, 24 May 2021
created from German and translated
'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is a children's rights campaign website of the [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]], which was launched after the 2012 [[Circumcision Debate]] in Germany. They support the [[WWDOGA]].

== Working group on children's rights ==
The associated working group consists of the following people:

Evelin Frerk, Anja Grosse, [[Mario Lichtenheldt]], Dr. Fiona Lorenz, Katharina Micada, Philipp Möller, Dr. Sabine Müller, Frank Nicolai, Paulina Ruchniewicz, RA Walter Otte, Prof. Dr. [[Holm Putzke]], Dr. [[Michael Schmidt-Salomon]], Nicolai Sprekels, Dr. Meike Beier.

== Supporters ==
* [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]] - (USA)
* [[]]
* Bund deutscher Kriminalbeamter
* [[]] - Initiative in Australia
* - platform for affected adults (USA)
* Deutsche Kinderhilfe - German Child Aid
* Evolutionary Humanists Berlin Brandenburg e.V.
* Freethinkers Association of Switzerland
* [[Genital Autonomy]] - Initiative against medically not indicated circumcisions (GB)
* [[Genital Autonomy America]] - former: NOCIRC, one of the oldest initiatives in the USA
* [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]]
* [[HPD|Humanistischer Pressedienst]]
* International Coalition for Genital Integrity - an association of international initiatives for the genital integrity of children
* MANNdat
* [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[NetzwerkB]] - network of victims of sexual violence
* Pflegeelternverband
* [[Protect the Child|גונן על הילד - Protect the Child]] - "Gonnen Al Hayeled" (Israel)
* [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime]] - (Germany)

* {{URLwebsite||2021-05-24}}
* {{URL-FBpage|prokinderrechteGBS|2021-05-24}}

[[Category:Intactivism organization]]

administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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