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World Health Organization

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The [[World Health Organization]] (WHO) is the latest manifestation of an international health organization. It was preceeded by the Health Organisation of the League of Nations in Geneva, which held its last meeting in 1938 just prior to the outbreak of World War II. A conference of allied nations was held in San Francisco just after World War II to establish the United Nations at which time the ''Charter of the United Nations'' was drafted. The allied nations also thought that a new international health organization should be formed. The WHO Constitution came into force in 1948 and the first World Health Assembly was held in Geneva in that same year to establish priorities for the new organization.<ref>
|title=A brief history of the World Health Organization
The WHO is lead by a Director-General. The present Director-General in [[Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus]] who took office in April 2017.
The WHO receives contributions from many sources, however the [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]] is the largest contributor at least since 2021.<ref name="mercola2021">{{REFweb
|title=New documentary on WHO exposes widespread corruption, massive funding by Bill Gates
}}</ref> Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reports that huge contributions from the [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation|Gates Foundation]] to the WHO gives [[Bill Gates]] "leverage and control over WHO's $5.6 budget and over international health policy".<ref name="kennedy2021A">{{REFbook
|last=Kennedy, Jr.
|first=Robert F.
|title=The Real Anthony Fauci
| location=New York
|publisher=Skyhorse Publishing
}}</ref> [[Bill Gates]]' promotion of male [[circumcision]] is well-known, so this may explain why the WHO clings to an outmoded and discredited position on male [[circumcision]].
== Rejection of female circumcision ==
In 1997, the WHO classified [[female genital mutilation]] into four different types. Since then, experience with using this classification revealed the need to subdivide these categories, to capture the varieties of [[FGM]] in more detail.
{{NOTE}} To date (September 2023), the [[World Health Organization]] has not yet cataloged [[Genital mutilation|male genital mutilation]] ([[MGM]]), although there is also a corresponding range of types. This is why the [[WHO]] is repeatedly accused of being blind in one eye when it comes to the issue of [[genital mutilation]].
==Advocacy of male circumcision== In July 2012, the '''WHO''' (World Health Organization) published a study<ref>[ Male circumcision for HIV prevention]</ref> (just in time for the just then started [[Circumcision Debate]] in Germany) which recommended to perform [[circumcision]]s as a prevention against [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]]. This study supposedly promises a 60% protection against [[AIDS]].
[[Circumcision]] proponents use this study<ref>{{REFweb
== Guideline Development Group (GDG) ==
In May 2018, the WHO announced to develop new guidelines on male circumcision, focusing on doing even more male circumcisions as a [[HIV]]/AIS prevention action.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=WHO to develop new guidelines on male circumcision
* [[Sinokuthemba Xaba|Xaba, Sinokuthemba]] -- [[bias]]ed
At least 16 members of the GDG are biased in favor of circumcision, while only 7 members have unclear points of view. Chances are that they are also strongly involved in this topic and take a position in favor of circumcision. The WHO will certainly have deliberately selected and named these experts on circumcision. One can therefore accuse the WHO of bias on this topic. The [[Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus| Director-General]] has so far failed to address the issue of [[bias]] in the CDG.
''The following sections are from [[IntactWiki]]:''
The World Health Organization (2011) endorses male circumcision as an [[HIV ]] prevention method based on the three RCTs in Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda.<ref>{{REFweb
|Title=WHO Endorses Circumcision as HIV Prevention
|Text=...male circumcision should be considered an efficacious intervention for [[HIV ]] prevention in countries and regions with heterosexual epidemics, high [[HIV ]] and low male circumcision prevalence.
|Source=[[World Health Organization]]
On their website<ref name="WHO2011"/>, they acknowledge that, even if the latest "studies" were correct, "[m]ale circumcision provides only partial protection," and that it should be part of a "comprehensive [[HIV ]] prevention package" that includes [[HIV ]] testing and counseling services, treatment for STD infections, the promotion of safer sex practices and the provision of condoms and the promotion of their correct and consistent use.
''Note: {{NOTE}} Even if the recent trials were accurate (and their credibility is highly questionable), circumcision could only reduce the relative risk of acquiring [[HIV ]] between circumcised and [[uncircumcised]] men by 60% over a period of about one year.<ref name="boyle-hill2011">{{BoyleGJ HillG 2011}}</ref> Condoms have an absolute reduction risk of acquiring [[HIV ]] that's over 95% (closer to 100% when used properly), making circumcision a moot point.''
== Chief expert on infant circumcision ==
[[David R. Tomlinson]] (2008) is the inventor of the [[AccuCirc]] device for infant circumcision.<ref>{{REFnews
|first=Paula S.
| invention: a circumcision tool to help prevent HIV that has recently been cleared by the FDA.
}}</ref> He also wrote a manual on infant circumcision (2011) for the World Health Organization.<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Los Angeles Times
|quote=Dr. David Tomlinson, who teaches family medicine at {{UNI|Brown University |Brown}} in Providence, R.I.{{USSC|RI}}, wrote a manual on infant circumcision for the World Health Organization.
== Initiatives Since 2006 ==
The Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), together with the WHO Department of [[HIV]]/[[AIDS ]] and the Joint United Nations Programme on [[HIV]]/[[AIDS ]] ([[UNAIDS]]), launched a number of new initiatives in 2006–2007.<ref name="for control">{{REFweb
=== Circumcision Manual ===
Infant boys are born with a healthy penis and foreskin. Treatment is not required. Infant boys do not engage in sexual intercourse so they cannot contract [[HIV ]] infection by sexual intercourse. Infant boys cannot grant consent for this irreversible body altering surgery which violate several significant United Nations [[human rights]] instruments.
Nevertheless, in partnership with other WHO departments, UNAIDS, and the Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO), the Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) has developed a Manual for male infant circumcision under local anaesthesia.<ref>{{REFbook
Moreover, the foreskin protects the penis from infection, so the [[amputation ]] of the [[foreskin ]] makes UTI more likely. In infant boys, UTIs originate from the external environment, strongly suggesting that these infections are iatrogenically caused.<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> which binds to the glans penis of the infant.<ref name="Cunningham 1986">{{REFjournal
}}</ref><ref name="Cohen 1992">{{REFjournal
|journal=Clinical Pediatrics
}}</ref><ref name="Goldman 1996">{{REFjournal
The [[VMMC Experience Project]] (2019) has published a massive, illustrated, 153-page report on VMMC in Africa for the United Nations.<ref name="fish2019">{{REFdocument
|title=Circumcision Campaigns: African experience and human rights: The U.N. Report
In a letter to Ambassador Deborah L. Birx, {{MD}}, (2020) the head of the United States [[PEPFAR ]] program, [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)| Doctors Opposing Circumcision]] called circumcision ineffective and called for [[PEPFAR ]] to abandon the WHO VMMC program and redirect its funds to anti-retroviral therapy and the provision of condomʂ<ref>{{REFdocument
|title=World Health Organization, HIV, and male circumcision
|first=George C.
|publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]
==Polio scandal==
Kennedy (2021) reports that [[Bill Gates]] and [[Anthony Fauci]] met in 2000, after which Gates started a "global polio vaccine campaign" with $450 million. The polio campaign was promoted by UNICEF and WHO.<ref name="kennedy2021B">{{REFbook
|last=Kennedy, Jr.
|first=Robert F.
|title=The Real Anthony Fauci
|location=New York
|publisher=Skyhorse Publishing
In a further indication of World Health Organization malfeasance, ZeroHedge reports that polio vaccine provided by the [[Bill and & Melinda Gates Foundation ]] in a WHO sponsored polio vaccination scheme actually causes polio. Sudan, Chad, and Cameroon are reporting outbreaks of polio from Gates vaccine supplied through the WHO initiative.<ref name="durden2020">{{REFnews
|title=UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa
|quote=While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries.
==Circumcision does not prevent HIV infection==
=== Population-based studies ===
{{Population-based studies}}
===Two African surveys===
The previously reported studies were from developed Western nations. Now we have information from Sub_Saharan Africa.
French scientist [[Michel Garenne]], Ph.D. has published two reports in 2022 comparing the incidence of HIV infection in [[circumcised]] and [[intact]] men.
In his first report, Garenne presented the findings from a study in Lesotho, the enclave in South Africa. He reported:
In couple studies, the effect of circumcision and VMMC on HIV was not significant, with similar transmission from female to male and male to female. The study questions the amount of effort and money spent on VMMC in Lesotho.<ref name="garenne2022A">{{REFjournal
|author-link=Michel Garenne
|title=Changing relationships between HIV prevalence and circumcision in Lesotho
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
|volume=online ahead of print
In his second report, Garenne (2022) presented information from six Sub-Saharan African nations (Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). He reported:
"Results matched earlier observations made in South Africa that [[circumcised]] and [[intact]] men had similar levels of HIV infection."<ref name="garenne2022B">{{REFjournal
|title=Age-incidence and prevalence of HIV among intact and circumcised men: an analysis of PHIA surveys in Southern Africa
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
* [[Circumcision and HIV]]
* [[VMMC Experience Project]]
== [[CircWatch ]] ==
* [ Post about the World Health Organization on CircWatch]
* [ Critical page about the WHO on]
* {{REFweb
|trans-title= |language=English |last= |first= |author-link= |publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision |website=(D.O.C.)]]
}}* {{REFweb |url= |title=Fraud, Corruption, Harassment Charges Rise Inside World Health Organization |last=Johnson |first=Drew |init= |publisher=Daily Caller |date=2016-12-31 |accessdate=2022-12-26}}* {{REFweb |url= |title=Stop Funding WHO Until It Cleans Up Its Act |last=Stier |first=Jeff |init= |publisher=National Review |date=2017-06-14 |accessdate=2022-12-26}}*{{REFweb |url= |title=The Corruption of the World Health Organization |last=Bell |first=David |init= |publisher=Brownstone Institute |date=2022-05-27 |accessdate=2022-12-26}}*{{REFweb |url= |title=The Corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO) |last=Toplansky |first=Eileen F. |init= |publisher=NWO Report |formatdate=2022-08-02 |quoteaccessdate=2022-12-26
[[Category:Circumcision in Africa]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]
[[de:WHO]] [[de:{{FULLPAGENAME}}Weltgesundheitsorganisation]]
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