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World Health Organization

941 bytes added, 04:01, 2 April 2015
Created page with "In July 2012, the '''WHO''' (World Health Organization) published a study<ref></ref> (just in time for the just then started ..."
In July 2012, the '''WHO''' (World Health Organization) published a study<ref></ref> (just in time for the just then started [[circumcision debate]] in Germany) which recommended to perform [[circumcision]]s as a prevention against HIV/AIDS. This study supposedly promises a 60% protection against AIDS.

[[Circumcision]] proponents use this study<ref></ref> for justifying even [[circumcision]]s on male toddlers and infants in Germany, Europe and Northern America. But the study only referred to Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa) and only to adults.

In fact, the study is scientifically vulnerable and has since been sharply criticized by experts.

== See also ==
* [ Critical page about the WHO on]

== References ==
<references />

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