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Andreas Manok

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'''Andreas Manok''' is a German lawyer.
After studying law at the {{UNI|University of Mannheim|UMA}} and the {{UNI|University of Tübingen|EKUT}} and the legal clerkship in Konstanz and Istanbul (Turkey), Andreas Manok filed the second legal state examination in 1990. Since then, he has worked as a lawyer. This was followed by further training in labor law specialist and medical law. From 2009 to 2011 he completed a Master's program Medical Law at the {{UNI|Dresden International University||DIU}}. Following this, he completed his {{PhD}} at the chair of Prof. Dr. Bernd-Rüdiger Kern at the {{UNI|University of Leipzig|AML}}. Andreas Manok is a partner in a mid-sized law firm in Ravensburg. He advises and represents mainly doctors and other providers in the health sector in all relevant legal matters.<ref></ref>
In 2015, he published the book '''The medically not indicated [[circumcision]] of the male child – Legal situation before and after the adoption of § 1631d Civil Code with special consideration of fundamental rights''', Writings on health law [SGR], vol. 34, 2015. 217 pp in Duncker & Humblot.
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