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Jake H. Waskett

32 bytes added, 17:56, 27 December 2021
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Six days ago, <span style="background:#d7f5ff">I finally got circumcised</span> by Dr. Zarifa of London. he was very
agreeable and performed at my request what looks like it will be a 'total' circumcision (ie one that is tight when flaccid and the [[skin ]] completely immobile and slightly shiny when erect, with <span style="background:#d7f5ff">public hair and the scrotum pulled onto the lower shaft</span>). The scar line is about half way down my shaft when flacid (I'm still trying to minimize erections so watch this space for later reports).
There is still some pain and swelling as I would expect, but everything seems to be healing ok. I'm taking a multivitamin and B and C suplements in order to help things along. I guess I'll start with vitamin E in a few days.
I'm pleased to report that it's now day 9. I've taken all but one of the stitches
out. The bruising has gone, and the [[skin ]] has bonded well on the top and rightsides. Dr. Zarifa warned me that the [[skin ]] would open a little due to the tightness,
and sure enough on the left and underside it has. He assured me that this would
fill in and become a neat line, so I am trusting the mysterious processes of the
|Text=<span style="background:#d7f5ff">"For those of you who don't remember, I'm a 26 year old English guy. I was circumcised by Dr. Zarifa on the 21st of July, receiving a high & tight circumcision.</span>
<span style="background:#d7f5ff">Last time I wrote, I had a slight infection.</span> This of course cleared up quickly, and my penis had essentially healed at about week 6. Around this time also, most of the swelling had gone. The swelling has continued to disappear, leaving just a few slight 'bumps' under the incision, particularly where the [[skin ]] parted slightly and the scar is wider. There is also a slight ridge following the line of the rim of the glans, but about a quarter inch away under the inner foreskin remnant. This too seems to be going, but very slowly. Did anyone else experience that ridge?
My scar is about one inch from the glans on the topside, and about one and a half at the sides. It looked at first as thought the left hand side was 'lower', but this seems to have become more even over time. <span style="background:#d7f5ff">The scarring on the underside is quite dramatic, especially where the 'v' shaped hole centered on the frenulum was. I don't mind. The scar is now starting to become more sensitive, especially on the
underside. When did you guys start to notice the scar getting sensitive, and assuming it is gradual how long did this process take to reach the final sensitivity?</span>
When flaccid and standing, the [[skin ]] is smooth. When sitting down, there is sometimes a little wrinking or bunching. <span style="background:#d7f5ff">When erect, the [[skin ]] is tight and there is no movement.</span> The underside is particularly tight. As the swelling goes down and the scar becomes more elastic, the circumcision when flaccid looks smoother and neater - effectively looking tighter.
I'm keen to see how it will look in another three months.
|Title=FROM: Rodjarrell@a<br>TO: Jake
|Text=I was cut at birth but I have lots of excess [[skin]]. Actually, when I'm seated, the [[skin ]] fully covers my penis head. <span style="background:#d7f5ff">I'd like to get cut again, but I'd like to make it an erotic experience with either a female doctor or at least I'd like to have one or two female nurses do the prep. Any suggestions?</span>
|Source=Yahoo Circlist
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