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Twelfth International Symposium

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* '''Morten Frisch''', {{MD}}, {{PhD}}, {{DSc}} (Med), is a full-time re-searcher at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen and an adjunct professor of sexual health epidemiology at {{UNI|Aalborg University|AAU}}, [[Denmark]]. For more than 20 years, he has studied sexual risk factors for and correlates of chronic diseases, as well as sociodemographic, health-related, and lifestyle-related determinants of sexual health and ill-health. In 2011, Frisch and co-authors published a study in the ''International Journal of Epidemiology'' showing a statistically significant excess of sexual problems in circumcised men and their spouses. That study has obtained substantial international attention and was the most heavily debated scientific study during the heated circumcision debate in [[Denmark]] in the summer of 2012. Copenhagen, [[Denmark]].
* '''[[John Geisheker]]''', {{JD}}, LLM, a native of New Zealand, is the Executive Director of [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]] (D.O.C.)]], an international non-profit organization based in Seattle, {{USSC|WA}}. As Director of D.O.C., he appears at medical and childbirth conventions, as well as educational institutions, presenting on the medical science, bioethics, and legality of merely cultural, non-therapeutic infant genital surgeries. He is the author of numerous publications on the subject. Mr. Geisheker has been a litigator, law lecturer, arbitrator, and mediator, specializing in medical disputes, for 30 years. He is proud that, in the 1960s, his native [[New Zealand]] fully abandoned medicalized infant circumcision as unnecessary-with no detectable loss of child health. Seattle, {{USSC|WA}}, USA.
* '''[[Tim Hammond]]''', Director, National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males, and Director, ''Whose Body, Whose Rights?'' Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
* '''Staffan Janson''' is a Swedish paediatrician, Professor of Public Health at {{UNI|Karlstad University|KAU}} and in Social Paediatrics at the {{UNI|University of Örebro|ORU}}, Sweden. He is head of the Committee on Ethics and Children’s Rights within the Swedish Paediatric Association. His research has mainly concentrated on child abuse and neglect and to the prevention of child injuries. Örebro, Sweden.
* '''Julius Kaggwa''' is Director of Support Initiative for People with atypical sex Development (SIPD), a project working to promote [[human rights ]] protection and holistic support for intersex children and adults. He is also a lead player of the civil society coalition on [[human rights ]] and constitutional law, which is at the forefront of campaigning against the anti-homosexuality bill that was recently tabled before the Ugandan parliament. Born and raised in Uganda, Julius is a [[human rights ]] advocate who has done extensive independent research in the fields of genders and sexualities, as well as engaged widely in advocating for the [[human rights ]] of intersex people and other sexual minorities in Uganda and throughout Africa. While SIPD’s main offices are located in Kampala, our work is community-based and we are currently working in 25 districts of Uganda scattered across the Central, Eastern, Northern, and Western regions of the country. Julius is commended for his sensitive and professional approach to community engagement and education on matters of sexuality, sexual diversity, sexual health, and gender identities from a [[human rights ]] perspective. Kampala, Uganda, Africa.
* '''Maarit Kuoppala''', {{MS}}, has been a volunteer breastfeeding-support mother and lactivist since 1997. She is the Executive Director of the Breastfeeding Support Association in Finland. Espoo, Finland.
* '''Martti Laiti''', a sales manager in the metal industry,was born near the Norwegian border in North Finland. He is the husband of Malla Laiti. Vantaa, Finland.
* '''Donna Rigney Macris''', {{RN}}, {{CNM}}, is a decades-long [[human rights ]] activist in issues of [[genital integrity]]. She has served on the Board of Directors of NOCIRC, was a co-founder of the International Symposia on Circumcision, and co-authored the ''[[Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision (1989)| Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision]]''. Her writings on the issue of circumcision, the rights of infants and children, and the functions of male genitalia have been published. She has spoken nationally and internationally, promoting conscientious objector status for nurses and midwives in opposition to newborn circumcision. She has been guest faculty in midwifery programs, including {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}}’s ''Women’s Health Care Training Project''. Her Master’s Degree Research at {{UNI|Saint Louis University|SLU}} centered upon [[informed consent ]] for circumcision. Fresno, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[Paul Mason]]''' has worked for more than three decades as a family law solicitor and barrister. He was Commissioner for Children for the Australian State of Tasmania 2007-2010. The Commissioner is an appointment notionally independent of the elected Government, responsible for advising it about all matters concerning children and raising public awareness about them. He is deeply committed to the [[human rights ]] of children and a strong believer in their capacity to make intelligent contributions to all decisions affecting themselves. In 2009, he became, with Dr. Comfort Momoh, MBE, inaugural co-Patron of the international charity [[Genital Autonomy]]. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
* '''Finnish Mother''' is a strong supporter of [[human rights ]] and sexual integrity. Most of all, she is the mother of a little boy who was circumcised illegally by his father and a senior physician. Helsinki, Finland.
* '''[[Marilyn Fayre Milos| Marilyn Milos]]''', {{RN}}, is the co-founder and Executive Director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) and the co-founder and coordinator of the International Symposia on Circumcision, now known as the International Symposia on Law, Genital Autonomy, and Children’s Rights. She is the co-editor of ''[[The Truth Seeker]]'' (July/August 1989 ”Crimes of Genital Mutilation” issue), the core proceedings of the [[First International Symposium]] on Circumcision, and co-editor of eight symposia books (see Hodges bio, page 3). San Anselmo, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[David Smith]]''' was educated at St. Joseph’s College, Market Drayton, and qualified in business studies at Underwood College. He is the General Manager of NORM-UK, a charity dedicated to giving men a choice about their own bodies. He created and now edits ''NORM NEWS'', the organisation’s magazine. In addition, he is the Chief Officer of [[Genital Autonomy]], an international organization working to protect the [[genital autonomy]] of all children—females, males, and intersex. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.
* '''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''', {{JD}}, focuses on civil litigation and [[human rights ]] and is the founder and Executive Director of [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]] (ARC), a non-profit organiza-tion addressing the illegality of involuntary genital surgery. Berkeley, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Michael Thomson''' is Professor of Law at {{UNI|Keele University|KU}}. He has published extensively in the areas of Health Care Law and Law and Gender. He is the author of Reproducing Narrative: Gender, Reproduction and Law (Dartmouth, 1998) and Endowed: Regulating the Male Sexed Body (Routledge, 2007). He has published widely on issues relating to the genital cutting of children and, most recently, male genital cutting as a response to [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]]. He is a trustee for [[Genital Autonomy]]. Staffordshire, UK.
* '''[[Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon]]''' grew up in an Orthodox Jewish household in Brookline, MA. When he was 13 years old, Eliyahu’s family moved to [[Israel]], where he lived until he was 19. In lieu of joining the Israel Defense Forces, Eliyahu decided to enroll in medical school in the United Kingdom. Three years into his {{MD}} degree, he broke his Jewish mother’s heart and decided to abandon Medicine and follow his dream of becoming a filmmaker. He has since earned two degrees from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. ''Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision'' is his first feature-length film. Eliyahu is currently putting the finishing touches on his second feature-length film, a documentary about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, called ''A People Without a Land''. Los Angeles, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Xavier P. Valla''', Licence Histoire de l’Art à la Sorbonne, has been the President of the Association contre la Mutilation des Enfants since 1991, he is a tourist guide in Southeast Asia, and a specialist in Khmer art and history. Paris, France.
* '''Mika Venhola''', {{MD}}, {{PhD}}, is a paediatric surgeon with a keen interest in children ́s rights, especially on intersex and transgender issues. He works in {{UNI|Oulu University|UOFI}} Hospital. Oulu, Finland.
* '''[[Franco Viviani]]''', {{PhD}}, FISPPA, {{UNI|University of Padua|UNIPD}}. Padua, Italy.
* '''Arja Voipio''', {{MS}}, ({{BA}}), is a [[human rights ]] advocate. She has been involved in promoting the [[human rights ]] and proper medical care for transgender and intersex people. She is currently the vice chair of Trasek, a Finnish [[human rights ]] NGO specialising in transgender and intersex issues. She is also the chair of the transgender working group of Seta, the Finnish LGBTI federation. She has made her professional career in finance, financial supervision, and IT. Helsinki, Finland.
::''Xavier Valla''
* Anthropological Reflections on Genital Interventions
::''[[Franco Viviani]]''
* Female Genital Mutilation
::''Mulki Mölsä1''
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