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Éric Fernanché Lévy

4 bytes added, 15:32, 30 May 2022
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|Text=Hello. I'm going to talk about [[circumcision]], particularly [[Abrahamic covenant| circumcision in the Jewish religion]] and relate the link between the suffering of the child, the traumas and this ritual. But before I do, I'll introduce myself first. I'm Eric, psycho-practitioner in somatic experiencing. It is a method developed by Peter Levin in the United States that treats both, [[shock ]] traumatism and developmental traumatism. I'll make the connection between SE (somatic experiencing) and any trauma that may arise from the circumcision.
We already know that circumcision provokes, it is already scientifically proven, a lot of pain and there are also many testimonies throughout the world and particularly in the United States, all over the world, of the physical and psychological distress that it can generate. What is missing, in my opinion, is more of a comprehensive scientific study to make the interrelationship, to make the connection between the various symptoms, the post-traumatic stress disorder, that may follow circumcision.
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