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Flap of skin

1,813 bytes added, 14:40, 9 June 2022
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Healthy bodies of living beings do not have any superfluous skin flaps without function.
== Review of the definition ==
Mirriam-Webster doesn't list "flap of skin" as a term at all. So one has to fall back to the definition of "flap" there.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Definition of flap
Based on the definitions there, the [[foreskin]] is not a flap for a couple of reasons:
# The requirement for the definition in #3 is that the object must either hang loose or project freely. No one who has had a [[foreskin]] for more than eight days or had sexual experience with one would say it "hangs freely or loosely". It fits like a glove. The skin ''fits'' the organ, meaning the opposite of loosely hanging. If it hangs at all, it does so fittingly, not loosely, that is the main and obvious reason why the statement is incorrect and pejorative, as it is meant to be. To reiterate, the term ''flap'' implies that it is unfitting and not meant to be their which is of course, the message that [[circumcision advocate]]s are often trying to project.
# The only way they can define the [[foreskin]] as a "flap of skin" in example 3-C, is if they only recognize its existence to the extent of it being cut off, hanging there being excised, which is in fact, the only time they acknowledge its existence. To them it fits because to many Jews, its only function is to cut it off.
# Comparisons to an envelope or a book cover are inappropriate: a book cover is removable and an envelope flap cannot be secured without sealing it. It is like calling a glove a flap. Only if it is mutilated can the term apply, thus making the label an association to violence, as the label can only apply as something that the [[foreskin]] becomes during the act of violence that is [[MGM|male genital cutting]].
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