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Burn circumstraint, burn

157 bytes added, 14:29, 2 October 2022
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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is a protest against painful and harmful non-therapeutic neonatal [[circumcision]].
<br>Publicly and symbolically burning down a wooden replica of the so called "Circumstraint" which is being used in some wonderful blinded child loving pretending and ignorant societies to tie down helpless baby boys so sick and sadistic adults can stick knives into their penises to torture and mutilate them for life by cutting away the most pleasurable part of their genitals. It is being done for profit or to force certain religions onto these children of God. The time has come to speak up for the children and put an end to this barbaric cruelty, no matter what religious or medical lies are being used trying to justify this attack on human being's centers of love. [[Circumcision ]] is an evil and sadistic [[human rights]] violation, the original sin! We are waking up and we unite to stop those who still promote and execute this sick crime performed on helpless children. Shame on everybody that let himself get blinded in the past by the blatant lies of those evil oppressors! Shame on everybody that does not let himself get educated and still refuses to see the truth! Shame on all who still defend or even just ignore this barbaric atrocity performed on our Gods of Love, which are our children!
Watch the evil circumstraint crumble into ashes. Respecting and loving the other is the key to paradise. Free yourselves from hurting your children. Break the chain of obedience. Let the healing begin.
* [[Pain]]
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