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Guy Cox

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== James Badger ==
Guy Cox has used the pen name James Badger to publish some of his work on [[circumcision]], allegedly to keep "his hobby journalism" from being "associated with his University appointment since that would appear to give it an authority it didn't deserve".
=== Circumcision surveys ===
As James Badger, he published a two part [[circumcision]] survey on [ Australian Forum ] magazine, 1989. Australian Forum is not a peer-reviewed scientific or medical publication. Additional parts of the survey have been published to the circlist website.
=== Erotic fiction and [[circumfetish ]] ===
"James Badger " is also author of some erotic stories which make reference to the topic of [[circumcision]]. One of these stories is called "airport encounter". A PDF file is also available in a Yahoo circumcision fetish group.
"James Badger " is an active member in the [ Inter-Circ ] group, a list that has all the characteristics of a [[circumfetish ]] group. Inter-Circ is self-described as "a global male circumcision appreciation group encouraging discussion of the pros and cons of circumcision as an adult. The group is also for those who feel that male circumcision is a perfectly acceptable parental decision resulting from religious, cultural, or medical considerations." Guy Cox is member of the alleged medical organisation [[Circumcision Academy of Australia]], driven by [[circumfetishist]] [[Brian J. Morris]].
=== Books reviews ===
James Badger's website has a Book Review section. Surprisingly enoughUnsurprisingly, he is author or co-author on the two books reviewed: "''Airport encounter" '' (erotic fiction, credited to James Badger) and "''Surgical guide to circumcision"'', where Guy Cox and [[Brian Morris]] share authorship of two chapters.
== Publications by Guy Cox ==
* [[Australia]]

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