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Genital mutilation

145 bytes added, 00:00, 1 August 2022
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The circumcision of the female genitals in particular attracts a great deal of attention from the "concern industry". What is new for many is the fact that circumcision of the male genitalia also leads to numerous [[death]] cases worldwide or causes lifelong suffering. While male circumcision is primarily a ritual tradition in the so-called "Third World", non-theraputic [[circumcision]] of boys immediately after birth has become a [[Financial incentive| lucrative practice]] in the [[United States of America]] on which a large number of jobs and careers depend directly and indirectly. What connects the medicine man on the Solomon Islands with the hyper-modern doctor in the USA: Both of them commit suicide genital mutilation on children without any medical indication. There is no medical necessity which, according to German law, makes a surgical intervention in the first place an [[Impunity|exemption from punishment]].<ref name="Intaktiv">{{REFweb
|title=Eine Stimme für genitale Selbstbestimmung
* Small piece of [[skin]]? - If the [[foreskin ]] is completely removed, the largest part (!) of the [[penis ]] [[skin]] is removed.
=== Current situation ===
* In the [[United States of America|USA]](2016), approximately 51.7% of all male newborns are non-therapeutically [[circumcised ]] shortly after birth (downward trend).<ref name="jacobson2021">{{REFjournal
|first=Deborah L.
* [[J. Steven Svoboda]], a Harvard-trained attorney for [[human rights]], estimates that boys and men are six times as likely to be victims of genital mutilation as girls and women.<ref name="manndat2009"/>
* Circumcision is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the world, currently an estimated 25 percent of the world's male population is [[circumcised]].<ref name="wiki_circum"/>
== Common reasons for circumcision ==
}}</ref> A [[circumcised ]] penis is slightly easier to keep clean. An [[intact ]] [[penis]] can also be kept clean: using warm water. Again, it would not occur to anyone to cut off a child's ears just because they can get dirty.
=== Constriction of the foreskin ===
Even if the [[phimosis ]] can only be corrected surgically, removal of the [[foreskin ]] is often not necessary. With modern procedures, the foreskin is preserved.
=== Cervical cancer / penile cancer ===
=== Just a little bit of [[skin]]? ===
A property of the [[foreskin]] is that the [[skin]] is double-layered and can contract very strongly when the penis is in a flaccid state. In the relaxed state, the foreskin is cut away. Transferred to a grown man, much of the [[skin]] of the entire erect penis is removed! The penis is THE errogenous erogenous zone in a man and with circumcision a considerable area (comparable to the palm of the hand without fingers!) Is cut away. How to determine the area is explained [ here]. This area of [[skin]] is covered with an unusually high density of nerve cells.
== Aftereffects ==
=== Post-traumatic stress disorder ===
In a Boyle et al. (2002), 1577 Filipino boys aged 11 to 16 years before and after circumcision (performed either with or without local anesthetic) were observed. Before the procedure, it was ensured that only boys who did not have [[PTSD ]] (according to DSM-IV) were included in the study. After the procedure, 50% of the boys circumcised with local anesthetic and 69% of the boys circumcised ritually (without local anesthetic) were diagnosed with PTSD according to DSM-IV criteria.
=== Damage to health ===
==== History of circumcision ====
If the scientific argument is omitted, it becomes clear that the question of the permissibility of circumcision is only about a decision about social [[values]], legally speaking about "legal interests". In fact, it is also about whether Jews in Germany are allowed to live their [[Judaism ]] as they understand it and not as others think. Elizabeth Wyner Mark, editor of a volume published in 2003 entitled "The Covenant of Circumcision" writes with a view to the fact that most secular, by no means religious Jews have their boys circumcised, that circumcision is an expression of the Jewish will to survive after the Shoah <ref>''Shoah'' is a Hebrew word for castrophe. It is another word for the Holocaust.</ref> and thus for has become a moral obligation for many parents.
In any case, circumcision has been a sign of Jewish self-assertion for millennia. The categorically experienced instruction of Jews to circumcise their sons on the eighth day can be historically proven for two and a half thousand years. However, since ancient times there have been repeated attempts to prevent circumcision. The Hellenistic culture, with its worship of the beautiful body, led many Jewish men to lengthen their foreskin again in order not to be ridiculed when doing sports in the nude. The Hellenistic King Antiochus IV even tried - despite all alleged pagan tolerance - to forcibly prohibit the circumcision of Jewish boys in the second century BC. This measure contributed significantly to the development of Jewish martyrdom.<ref>{{REFnews

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