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Double standard

2,431 bytes added, 08:59, 10 August 2022
added Claudia Roth
== Examples for double standards related to [[HGM]] ==
=== [[Bündnis 90/Die Grünen]] ======= [[Volker Beck]] ====
[[File:Netzregeln10-Volker-Beck.jpg|thumb|100px|Beck 2010]]
The German Greens politician Volker Beck has been working for decades for the legal equality of homosexuals. In relation to the persecution and killing of homosexuals in other countries he spoke out clearly against the encroachments of religions in the rights of others from (while the ban on the killing of another human being in a state of law needs no constraint "in the name of religion"):
==== Claudia Roth ====
[[File:2014-09-11 - Claudia Roth MdB - 7893.jpg|thumb|100px|Claudia Roth (2014)]]
In the German [[Circumcision Debate]] 2012, the Green member of the Bundestag Claudia Roth took a very clear stance against the protection of boys from genital mutilation:
|Title=The [[Cologne circumcision court judgment|judgment of the district court of Cologne on the ban on circumcision]] for boys is one-sided and unrealistic
|Text=Because it has an exclusionary effect on the long cultural and religious tradition of Jewish and Muslim life. The circumcision of boys involves a debate between the poles of religious freedom, the right to self-determination, cultural rites, medical indications and parental care. This debate can only be conducted with the religious communities and not against them by court order. If the question of circumcision, which is actually an irreversible intervention, were based solely on the will of the children, the entire system of parental care would have to be fundamentally reorganized. As a first step, consideration could be given to prescribing accompanying measures such as broad-based educational work or circumcisions to be performed only by physicians, in order to reduce possible negative consequences of circumcisions.
|Author=[[Claudia Roth]]
|title=Das Urteil des Landgerichts Köln zum Beschneidungsverbot bei Jungen ist einseitig und realitätsfremd
|trans-title=The judgment of the district court of Cologne on the ban on circumcision in boys is one-sided and unrealistic
As early as 2006, she and her party colleagues tabled a motion in the German Bundestag that was intended to "protect girls and women from genital mutilation."<ref>{{REFdocument
|title=Mädchen und Frauen vor Genitalverstümmelung schützen
|trans-title=Protect girls and women from genital mutilation
|contribution=printed matter 16/3542
|publisher=German Bundestag
}}</ref> All of the arguments in the motion at the time would also apply to give boys the same protection. Ms. Roth does not seem to see it that way to this day (2022).
=== Central Council of Jews in Germany ===
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