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Fourteenth International Symposium

4 bytes added, 13:56, 25 August 2022
* '''Antony Lempert''', a GP partner in a rural Welsh border practice, has coordinated and chaired the UK Secular Medical Forum (SMF) since 2008. The SMF campaigns to protect patients from the imposition of other people’s personal beliefs in many areas of medicine, including forced genital cutting. Antony was the GP member of the Powys Local Safeguarding Children’s Board until it reconfigured in 2014. Since 2009, he has attended and spoken regularly at the BMA’s Annual Representatives Meeting and was elected chair of the Shropshire division of the BMA in January 2016. In 2012, Antony was invited to Geneva where he met with the chair and deputy chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) to discuss ritual male circumcision. He has spoken in Brussels at the European Parliament Platform for Secularism in Politics about women’s sexual health rights, has acted as an expert witness in a High Court right to die case and has participated in regular debates, including on radio and television. Powys, Wales.
* '''[[Brendon Marotta]]''' is an award-winning filmmaker from Austin, TX, and a graduate of the University of the North Carolina School of the Arts Film School. The last feature he edited premiered at the Austin Film Festival where it won the Audience Award. For the latest on his current project [[American Circumcision]], visit Austin, Texas{{USSC|TX}}, USA.
* '''[[Paul Mason]]''' is the current and foundation Chair of [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]] (AIGA). He is a family law barrister with over three decades’ experience and a member of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights. From 2007-2010 he was the Commissioner for Children for the Australian State of Tasmania. In 2008, with Dr '''Comfort Momoh''' of FGM support service FORWARD, he became inaugural joint Patron of UK-based global charity [[Genital Autonomy]]. Since then he has presented local and international papers on the law and universal human right of [[genital autonomy]] of girls, boys and intersex children. Brisbane, {{AUSC|QLD}}, Australia.
* '''Rebecca Roberts''' is the Deputy Director, Marketing and Recruitment, at {{UNI|Keele University|KU}}. She is passionate about developing effective marketing and communications strategies, integrating engaging content and bringing teams together. She enjoys exploring new platforms, ways of doing things and making sure ideas transform into imaginative, impactful and exciting work. Rebecca is experienced in high performance sport, working across media, marketing and PR, and more recently moved into Higher Education. She believes in bringing the best out of the toughest challenges and people. {{UNI|Keele University|KU}}, UK.
* '''[[Lloyd Schofield]]''' was a proponent for the San Francisco Male Genital Mutilation Initiative, which received nearly double the amount of signatures required for the 2012 ballot in the City and County of San Francisco. The initiative was removed from the ballot on a technicality as the result of a concerted lobbying effort conducted by the Jewish Community Relations Council and the [[ACLU|American Civil Liberties Union]]. He is the current President of the Bay Area Intactivists, a grassroots 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which works to protect and defend the [[genital autonomy]] of all individuals, male, female and intersex, from forced genital mutilation through education, expanding visibility, creating forums and working with other [[human rights]] organizations. San Francisco, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[David Smith]]''' is the Chief Officer of [[Genital Autonomy]]. He qualified in business studies and worked for a number of international companies before joining the charity sector in 2002. David was one of the founders of [[Genital Autonomy]] in 2008. As well as working for [[Genital Autonomy]], he is also the General Manager of [[15 Square]], a charity helping men who have been damaged by [[circumcision]]. Previously he worked for Re-Solv, a charity dealing with problems caused by solvent abuse. He is a lay representative at the {{UNI|Keele University|KU}} School of Medicine. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.
* '''Rebecca Steinfeld''', a political scientist researching the politics of reproduction and genital alteration, is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre of the Body at Goldsmiths, {{UNI|University of London|Lond}}. She is writing her first book, entitled ''Wars of the Wombs: Struggles over Reproduction in Israel'', for publication with {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}} Press. Rebecca has written and broadcast widely on male circumcision, including in ''The Guardian'', ''Haaretz'' and on BBC Radio 3. Most recently, she has been working with bioethicist [[Brian D. Earp| Brian Earp]] at the Brocher Foundation in Geneva, where they have been critiquing the contrasting global policies towards female and male genital alteration. Rebecca is also co-founder, with her partner Charles Keidan, of the Campaign for Equal Civil Partnerships in the UK, as well as co-litigants in a Judicial Review challenge to the Government’s ban on different-sex couples’ access to civil partnerships. These experiences have given her insights into the power and problems of using litigation to generate political change. London, UK.
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