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Jews Against Circumcision (video)

22 bytes added, 09:05, 25 March 2024
wikify Israel
The video '''Jews Against Circumcision''' is a docollage collage in tribute to Jews opposing [[circumcision]], created by [[André Levy]].
Jews around the world are thoughtfully divided over [[Brit Milah| circumcision]], even in [[Israel]]. Not all Jews support circumcision. A man does not need to be [[circumcised]] to be Jewish. Not every Jew circumcises their sons. There are many [[intact]] Jewish men. Many Jewish mothers regret their decision to circumcise. Many Jewish parents are at peace with leaving the circumcision decision to their [[intact ]] sons. Many Jews have studied and reject infant [[circumcision]], its alleged medical benefits and even its legality. Many Jews are proud to be Jewish but they reject circumcision. Many Jewish men are angry with being robbed of the choice on how to express our Jewishness on this most intimate part of our bodies, if at all.
| [ 1:33:02]​ || data-sort-value="Boteach, Shmuley"| Rabbi [[Shmuley Boteach]]
* [[Judaism]]
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