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Jonathon Conte

367 bytes added, 24 April
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He engaged as Events Editor at [[IntactNews]] and as Events Coordinator with the [[Bay Area Intactivists]]. Before, he had worked in the [[San Francisco MGM Bill]] initiative to protect all children from forced [[Circumcision|genital cutting]] and work with and support other pieces of pending legislation on the local, state and national level. He was chosen "Intactivist of the Month" by [[Intact America]].
He introduced the [[Bloodstained Men|bloodstained suit]] (created in the UK by [[Richard Duncker]]) to [[USA| America ]] at the 2012 [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] convention in New Orleans.
== Bloodstained Men logo ==
== Award for intactivism ==
Northrup was chosen "[[Intactivist of the Month]]" by [[Intact America]].
 == Videos ====Video= Jonathon: Motivations of an Intactivist ===<bryoutube>EUE_t_khAAI</youtube>=== Intactivism at Haight Ashbury Street Fair and Sunday Streets SF ===<youtube>k-6pKaNDyF4</youtube>=== Address to AAP ===<youtube>v=EUE_t_khAAIPZofc6QyfZE</youtube><br>
== Suicide ==
On 9 May 9, 2016, he took his own life at the age of {{Age|1981|06|14|2016|05|09}}. A few days earlier he demonstrated, as often, on the streets for the right of children to [[intact]] genitals, but apparently didn't talk to anybody about his great pain.
His last Facebook entry (May 8, 2016) is:
* [[Case_histories#Jonathon_Conte.2C_31| Case report]]
* [[Genital Autonomy List of Shame]]
* [[Hans Herzl]]* [[Suicide]]* [[United States of America]]
* [ Facebook intactivist profile]

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