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Attachment of the foreskin

593 bytes added, 13:24, 11 May 2023
Adhesion: Add citation.
An adhesion may form in adults when a foreskin is not retracted for a very long time.
Adhesions are not fusions and do not have a balanopreputial lamina, so they will not are unlikely to spontaneously disintegrate. <ref>{{REFjournal |last=Pitts |first= |init=D |author-link= |last2=Aponte-Colon |first2= |init2=D |author2-link= |last3=Chalmers |first3= |init3=D |author3-link= |etal=no |title=Resolution of post-circumcision penile adhesions in newborns |trans-title= |language= |journal= J Pediatr Urol |location= |date=2022-04 |volume=18 |issue=2 |article= |page= |pages=183e1-183-e5 |url= |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=34980556 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1016/j.jpurol.2021.12.010 |accessdate=2023-05-11}}</ref>
Adhesions are pathological and require treatment by a urological surgeon.<ref>{{REFdocument

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