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Dorsal penile nerve block

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using template LanderJ etal 1997
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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' (DPNB)<ref>{{REFweb
}}</ref> is a local anesthetic procedure sometimes used in hope of reducing [[pain]] in non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of the newborn. In this procedure two injections of local anesthetic (lidocaine} are made near the base of the [[penis]] at the ten o'clock and two o'clock positions to block the dorsal nerves.
DPNB was proposed by Kirya & Werthman in 1978.<ref name="kirya1978">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> Although Kirya & Wirthman called the procedure "painless", that is an exaggeration. DPNB does block the dorsal nerves, but does not block the ventral nerves, so at best it only reduces the extreme pain of circumcision somewhat. Lander et al. (1997) did a comparison study of [[EMLA ]]® cream topical anesthetic,<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Emla cream
}}</ref> Dorsal Penile Ring Block, and Ring Block. DPNB was more effective than [[EMLA ]]® cream, but less effective than Ring Block [[ring block]] local anesthesia.<ref name="lander1997">{{REFjournalLanderJ etal 1997}}</ref> |last=Lander |init=JAn infant boy who is [[circumcised]] with DPNB may expect to experience [[pain]] and [[trauma]]. |first=Janice<br> {{Box|author-linkBoxtext= |last2=Brady<big><b>This procedure does NOT totally eliminate [[pain]]. A baby boy will still experience some [[pain]] and [[trauma]] with this analgesic procedure. Prevention of pain requires protecting a boy from elective neonatal non-Frerer |init2=B |first2=Barbara |author2therapeutic circumcision. Only boys who are protected from the medically unnecessary, non-link= |last3=Metcalfe |init3=JB |first3=James Btherapeutic circumcision surgery experience no [[pain]] or [[trauma]].</b></big>}} |author3-link= |last4=Nazerali |init4=S |first4Video =Shermin |author4-link= |last5=Muttit |init5=S |first5=Sarah |author5-link= |etal=no |title= Comparison This video illustrates the use of ring block, dorsal penile nerve block, and topical anesthesia for neonatal circumcisionDPNB. |journal=JAMA |location= |date=1997-12-24 |volume=278 |issue=24 |pages=2157-64 |url=http* [https://www.cirpreddit.orgcom/libraryr/painIntactivism/comments/qbpzqr/landertrained_medical_professionals_restrain_infant_to/ |archived?rdt=61166 Dorsal Penile Nerve Block circumcision procedure] |quote= |pubmedID=9417009 |pubmedCID= |DOI= |accessdate=2023-11-24}}</ref>
* [[Pain]]
* [[Trauma]]
* {{REFweb
|title=Dorsal Penile Nerve Block
|publisher=National Library of Medicine
[[Category:Medical term]]
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