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Berto Lopez

170 bytes added, 15:27, 6 October 2024
The total amount of damages will never be known because three lawsuits, those of infant Earl Buchanan, Joann Catlett, 47, and Baby R.R.R. were settled out of court.<ref name="1baltz2024" />
The Palm Beach Post reported, "Lopez stopped carrying malpractice insurance about 2003. He's faced five malpractice suits and four disciplinary complaints since then."<refname="ninesuits2021>{{REFnews
|title=Average OB-GYN faces 2 or 3 lawsuits during a career. This Palm Beach County doctor had 9
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation lists two other malpractice settlements for $250,000 for each of the patients.<ref name="ninesuits2021 />

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