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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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The '''Bill and & Melinda Gates foundation Foundation''' actively promote male circumcision as "''[[HIV ]] prevention''",<ref name='circ-search'>{{REFweb | last=Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | first= | yeardate= | title=Search Results: Circumcision | url=http | accessdate=20112021-0312-2428
}}</ref> traveling to Africa to promote it.<ref name='circ-africa-search'>{{REFweb
| last=Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | first= | yeardate=2008 | title=Search Results: Circumcision Africa | url= | accessdate=2011-03-24
}}</ref> [[Bill Gates]] was convinced to promote circumcision by [[Bertran Auvert]].<ref name='gates-saving-the-world'>{{REFweb
| quote=How do you address global hunger, epidemics, and poverty? According to Bill Gates, it takes R&D, software, and plenty of money. | last=Lyons | first=Daniel | publisher= | yeardate=2010-01-25 | title=Saving The World 2.0 | url= | accessdate=20112021-0312-2428
== Media Funding & Objectivity ==
According to a report in the Seattle Times, the Gates Foundation has become a force in journalism, and contributes millions of dollars to nonprofit and for-profit media to help cover issues of interest to the foundation. Not just MSNBC, but also ABC, NPR, PBS, and Public Radio, as well as others. Many worry that its growing support of media organizations blur the line between journalism and advocacy.<ref>{{REFnews
| last=Doughton | first=Sandi | coauthors=Kristi Heim | url= | title=Does Gates funding of media taint objectivity? | date=2011-02-19 | publisher=The Seattle Times | quote=Better-known for its battles against global disease, the Gates Foundation has also become a force in journalism. The foundation's contributions to nonprofit and for-profit media have helped spur coverage of global health, development and education issues. But some people worry that its growing support of media organizations blurs the line between journalism and advocacy. | accessdate=2011-02-22
According to this report, "some grants have indeed spelled out coverage topics, including male circumcision to reduce transmission of [[AIDS]], and clinical trials — the latter of which are crucial for Gates-supported vaccines and drugs being tested in the developing world."
This seems to apply particularly to some of the Foundation flag programs, such as the Voluntary Male Circumcision initiatives for Africa, where according to a journalist, "as a government policy, it appears circumcision is reluctantly promoted by some MPs because other health-related and donor-funded initiatives are tied to this programme."<ref>{{REFnews
| last=Mukundu | first=Rashweat | coauthors= | url= | title=Zimbabwe: Will Circumcision Change Behaviour or Reinforce Machismo? | date=2012-10-01 | publisher=All Africa | quote=As a government policy, it appears circumcision is reluctantly promoted by some MPs because other health-related and donor-funded initiatives are tied to this programme. | accessdate=2012-10-02
=== The case of the disappearing articles ===
An article "Circumcision does not affect [[HIV ]] in U.S. men" disappeared from MSN<ref>{{REFnews | last=MSNBC | first= | coauthors= | url= | title=Circumcision does not affect HIV in U.S. men | date= | publisher= | quote=Text: We're sorry. The text content of this page is no longer available.
Discuss: Circumcision does not affect HIV in U.S. men
4 total comments
Removing foreskin no protection for American men of color, study finds
| accessdate=2012-10-02
}}</ref> Screenshot <ref>[ Archive (2012-10-02)]</ref>
The same article (or an article with the same title) is still available in Reuters<ref>{{REFnews
| last=Fox | first=Maggie | coauthors= | url= | title=Circumcision does not affect HIV in U.S. men | date=2009-12-04 | publisher=MSNBC | quote=Black and Latino men were just as likely to become infected with the [[AIDS ]] virus whether they were circumcised or not, Greg Millett of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.
"We also found no protective benefit for a subset of black MSM (men who have sex with men) who also had recent sex with female partners," Millett told reporters in a telephone briefing.
| accessdate=2012-10-02
Another article titled "Scientists discover natural barrier to [[HIV]]" referring to the Langerhans cells of the foreskin, also disappeared from MSN:<ref>{{REFweb | last=MSNBC | first= | yeardate=2012-10-02 | title=Scientists discover natural barrier to HIV | url= | accessdate=
}}</ref> Screenshot <ref>[ Archive (2012-10-02)]</ref>
However, again the information is still available in other places:<REF>{{REFnews
| last=Mundell | first=E. J. | coauthors= | url= | title=Scientists discover natural barrier to HIV | date=2007-03-05 | publisher=Washington Post | quote=Researchers have discovered that cells in the mucosal lining of human genitalia produce a protein that "eats up" invading HIV -- possibly keeping the spread of the [[AIDS ]] more contained than it might otherwise be.
Even more important, enhancing the activity of this protein, called ''Langerin'', could be a potent new way to curtail the transmission of the virus that causes [[AIDS]], the Dutch scientists added. | accessdate=2012-10-02
These articles and the core study are specially intriguing because traditionally it was thought that the [ Langerhans cells] of the [ Prepuce (foreskin)] constituted an entry point for [[HIV]]<ref name="Kawamura-2005">{{REFjournal | last=Kawamura | firstinit=T. | coauthorslast2=Kurtz |init2=SE., |last3=Blauvelt |init3=A., |last4=Shimada |init4=S. | pubyeardate=2005, Dec.-12 | title=The role of Langerhans cells in the sexual transmission of HIV. | journal=J Dermatol Sci | volume=40 | issue=3 | pages=147-55 | url= | DOI=10.1016/j.jdermsci.2005.08.009 | pubmedID=16226431 | accessdate=}}</ref>, and this concept is one of the reasons behind the hypothesis that [ circumcision may reduce the risk of a male becoming infected with HIV from a female partner]. This Dutch study contradicts this idea, by stating that the Langerhans cells block [[HIV]].<ref name="de Witte-2007">{{REFjournalDeWitte etal 2007}}</ref>  | last=de Witte=Control of the World Health Organization== | first=L. | coauthors=Nabatov ARobert F.Kennedy, Pion MJr., Fluitsma Dreports that huge contributions from the Gates Foundation to the [[WHO]] gives [[Bill Gates]] "leverage and control over WHO's $5., de Jong MA., de Gruijl T., Piguet V., van Kooyk Y., Geijtenbeek TB6 budget and over international health policy".<ref name="kennedy2021">{{REFbook | pubyearlast=2007Kennedy, MarchJr. | titlefirst=Langerin is a natural barrier to HIV-1 transmission by Langerhans cellsRobert F. | journalinit=Nat Med | volumeyear=132021 | issuetitle=3The Real Anthony Fauci | pagesurl=367-71 | urlpage=301| location=New York | pubmedIDpublisher=17334373Skyhorse Publishing | DOIISBN=10.1038/nm1541978-I51076680-8 | accessdate=2021-12-28 }}</ref>.
== Quotes ==
| Title=Circumcision Studies | Text=[[Bertran Auvert]], is so modest about his work, but he has new theories that we're putting money behind and he is just making it work. | Author=[[Bill Gates]] | Source=Newsweek| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref>[ Lyons, D. (2010, January 10). Saving the world, 2.0. ''Newsweek.'']</ref>
| Title=Circumcision is... |, effective, and easy to apply | Author=[[Bill Gates]] | Source=Reuters| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref>[ Kelland, K. (2010, July 19). Bill Clinton & Bill Gates want value for money in [[AIDS ]] fight. ''Reuters.'']</ref>
== Unusual Medicine medicine ==
Holy Water Healing.<ref name='holy-water-healing'>{{REFweb
| quote=Can science and faith work together to fight HIV and tuberculosis? | last= | first= | publisher=Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | yeardate= | title=Holy Water Healing | url= | accessdate=2011-03-24
[[File:Holy_Water_Healing.PNG‎ |312px]]
Crying Baby Symphony.<ref>{{REFweb
| last=Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | first= | yeardate= | title=Crying Baby Symphony | url= | accessdate=2011-06-27
[[File:CryingBabies.jpg |312px]]
The [[VMMC Experience Project]] has published a massive, illustrated 153-page report on VMMC in Africa for the United Nations.<ref name="fish2019">{{REFdocument
|title=Circumcision Campaigns: African experience and human rights: The U.N. Report
|author-link=Max Fish
|publisher=VMMC Experience Project
== Population-based studies ==
{{Population-based studies}}
* [[Bill Gates]]
* [[Circumcision and HIV]]
* [[VMMC Experience Project]]
* {{URLwebsite||2022-01-02}}
* {{REFweb
|publisher=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]]
[[Category:Circumcision in Africa]]
[[Category:From CircLeaks]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]

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