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| source=American Urological Association 98th Annual Meeting
| date=April 26-May 1, 2003
| accessdate=2019-09-29
}}</ref> Bleustein ''et al.'' (2005) divided 125 patients (62 uncircumcised men and 63 neonatally circumcised men) into groups based on their sexual dysfunction using the [[Sexological_testing#IIEF_.28International_Index_of_Erectile_Function.29|IIEF]](International Index of Erectile Function). Twenty-nine were placed in the functional group, and 96 in the dysfunctional group. Quantitative somatosensory testing (including vibration, pressure, spatial perception, and warm and cold thermal thresholds) was used on the dorsal midline glans of the penis. In the dysfunctional group, circumcised men (49 +/- 16 years) were significantly younger (P <0.01) than uncircumcised men (56 +/- 13 years). When controlling for age, hypertension, and diabetes, there was no difference in sensitivity.<ref name= "bleustein2005">{{REFjournal
| last=Bleustein