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Circumcision scar

111 bytes added, 12:56, 18 October 2019
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The characteristics of the circumcision scar often depend on the technique that was used. Open surgical techniques using sutures may cause uneven scarring where the sutures were placed. Newborn circumcisions do not require sutures and therefore can result in a fine, even scar.<ref name="Infant">{{Cite conference| publisher = World Health Organization| title = Manual for early infant male circumcision under local anaesthesia|url=| location = Geneva| date = 2010}}</ref> Circumcisions after the newborn period that are performed without sutures (techniques that use cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive instead of sutures and techniques like Plastibell that heal by secondary intention) often result in an even, circumferential scar.
Non-surgical [[foreskin restoration]] will eventually result in the scar being concealed within the foreskin.
==Problems with the scar==

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