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20,000 nerve endings

96 bytes added, 02:38, 1 September 2021
The legend of "20,000 nerve endings": Revise footnote.
The assertion that the male [[foreskin]] contains "20,000 nerve endings" is often encountered in the case of circumcision opponents. I also used this figure in texts of mine. When I was asked for a proof, I searched for hours without success. Instead of a proof, one only comes across a widespread legend as documented in the following. – Concerning hearsaying about extrapolation using the density in a small cross-section: there are no scientific publications thereabout. See also:
* '''[[Giordano Bruno Foundation|gbs]]-Flyer "My body belongs to me!"''' of the AK Children's Rights, 2012<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=My body belongs to me |last= |first= |accessdate=2021-08-31}}</ref>: "„[…] within it [the [[foreskin]]] some 20,000 sensitive receptors run together" - without proof.
* '''[[intaktiv]] e.V., Flyer: "Circumcision" of boys''', 2016<ref></ref>: "With about 20,000 special nerve endings the [[foreskin]] … is the most sensitive part of the male body, ..." - without proof.

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