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AIDS-Free World

4 bytes added, 10:44, 1 December 2021
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|Title=Paula Donovan (UNICEF)
|Text=She [ [[Paula Donovan]] ] realized that male circumcision was a good preventative way to slow the spread of [[AIDS]]. So she took that analysis further. She suggested to the male leadership in Nairobi, that UNICEF propose that <span style="background:#d7f5ff">circumcision accompany the regular process of immunization of infants</span>... Paula was easily 10 years ahead of her time, because <span style="background:#d7f5ff">that's exactly what's being discussed in several countries now</span>... and what did the UNICEF hierarchy do at the time? They grabbed their genitals in protective embrace and laughed it off like only male sexists can laugh things off. ...the UN took more than a decade to see male circumcision for the inspired preventative technology that it is.
|Author=[[Stephen H. Lewis]]
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