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American Academy of Pediatrics

208 bytes added, 03:08, 18 July 2021
Add sentence on human rights.
The AAP advances the financial and business interests of its members. Hundreds of millions of dollars are paid out by [[Third-party payment| third-parties]] to physicians, including pediatricians, obstetricians, and family physicians to provide medically unnecessary non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of minor boys. Their slogan is: "Dedicated to the Health of All Children," however the protection of the income of its fellows ("members") overrides their duties to children. Preservation of that income stream has always been a fundamental policy of the AAP.
The AAP has not recognized the [[human rights]] of children that were granted by the ''International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights'' (1966) and the ''Convention on the Rights of the Child'' (1989).
==History of AAP circumcision policy==

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