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92 bytes added, 19:38, 16 July 2022
Opposing circumcision on minors isn't antisemitic
== Opposing circumcision on minors isn't antisemitic ==
Opposing [[circumcision ]] has nothing to do with antisemitism which is defined as being or acting against Jews because they are Jews, not because they do this or that. Opposition to [[circumcision ]] is opposing an action: medically unnecessary [[amputation]] of healthy tissue from the genitals of non consenting minors, completely independent of parental beliefs.
According to a White Paper published by the Danish Mosaic Religious Society, no Jew will deny an [[intact ]] boy the right to his membership of the Jewish society:
|Text=You are born a Jew if you are born to a Jewish mother. In principle, there are no Jewish dogma, which means, among other things, that one cannot "deprive" a Jew of his identity as a Jew. There are Jews who do not abide by Jewish rules in any form whatsoever, and others who have cherrypicked among those rules and only adhere to the rules they want. This also applies to circumcision. It might be said this way: <q>For most Jews it is crucial to be circumcised, but it is not essential to be circumcised to be a Jew.</q>
In 2007, the [[WHO]] found that 30% of the world’s male population were [[circumcised]]. Those 30% were distributed like this
* 69% Muslims
* 0.8% Jews
* 17.2% Others
Following these numbers, male Jews who are [[circumcised ]] make up at most 0.8 % of the world's circumcised men (i.e. eight per thousand).<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Male circumcision: global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability
}}</ref> Therefore, it is totally flawed to claim that opposing [[circumcision ]] is an expression of antisemitism or neo-Nazism.
Opposition to non-medical circumcision of minors as a parental right is directed against the act regardless of the parents' religious affiliation, and not just against the at most 0.8% Jewish circumcisions.
* [[Judaism]]
== Antisemitism contradiction ==

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