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Arguments pro circumcision

323 bytes added, 12:38, 8 August 2020
Religious arguments: Add Christian view.
=== Jewish religion ===
* '''"Circumcision is required by God."'''
*: This argument is brought by the Jewish communities, with respect to a Bible text where God ordered the Israelic forefather Abraham to have all male descendants circumcised. But in fact it is not a religion-giving, but a religion-confirming ritual act that can therefore be postponed to a later date without any problem, however the [[Abrahamic covenant]], has been debunked by [[Leonard B. Glick]]. Furthermore, children and especially babies have no religion. Educating your children in a religious manner is not allowed to include cutting off sane organs from your children's bodies.
* '''"Only the [[circumcision]] makes a boy a real Jew."'''
===Christian religion===
The Christian fathers rejected circumcision for Christians at the [[Council at Jerusalem]] in 49 A.D.<ref>[ Acts of the Apostles 15:1-30].</ref>

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