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Arguments pro circumcision

2,740 bytes added, 10:05, 22 April 2015
Trivializing arguments: sync'ed with German counterpart
== Trivializing arguments ==
* '''"I've never heard anyone complain about being circumcised."'''
*: Chances are that a man does not talk about his sexual or other (genital) issues to others at all. There are many personal stories of men who did and do complain. There is an organization named [[Men Do Complain]], there are books with [[Case Histories|case histories]] of many men who do complain. Oh, wait, I myself have never heard anyone But it is not the question if men do complain about being beaten . The question is: Is [[circumcision]] of children a an illegel intervention in the physical integrity? That is continuously asserted by his parentslawyers. But that doesn't legalize corporal punishment at allThe question for victims does also not arise here, doesn't it?because [[circumcision]] of children basically violates the fundamental rights of the child.
* '''"[[Circumcision]] is similar to removing a patch."'''
*: All published [[It´s A Boy!|circumcision videos]] show that those who are circumcised without adequate anaesthetic treatment (anaesthesia or anaesthetic), suffer immense pain. Infants fall regularly in shock as a reaction to the pain, when being circumcised without effective anaestesia. This shock is often misinterpreted and the parents believe that their baby would have simply slept through.
* '''"Babies feel no pain yet, therefore should be circumcised at an early stage."'''
*: This assertion is completely obsolete and refuted in many studies. In the mother's wombThe discussion is also quite schizophrenic. It is fiercely debated whether embryos that are to be expelled, children already should be stunned before. But you can easily cut off a body part without anesthesia on born babies because they do not feel pain? The reserch situation is however quite differently here: boys who were circumcised as infants, and show even more directly after birthstronger reactions to pain (e.g. vaccination)) as intact ones.<ref>[ First infant MRI study finds babies feel pain ‘like adults’]</ref><ref>[ Taddio et al: Effects of neonatal circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine vaccination]</ref>
* '''"[[Circumcision]]is comparable with ear piercing or other piercings."'''
*: Usually Apart from the fact that earlobes and piercings are bodily injury, usually any sensitive tissue or even functional body parts remove is removed when doing earlobes and piercings. Also earlobes and piercing holes can grow again. Therefore, this comparison is completely untenable. Children are no dolls that you can surgically change at will. The body belongs to the child alone, that alone should decide when and where permanent changes in their body are made. As long as the child is too young to make the appropriate statements, you should forgo any body modification.
* '''"[[Circumcision]] is like cutting fingernails or hair."'''
*: Fingernails and hair grow by themselves. This trivializing comparison of [[Circumcision|foreskin amputation]] with normal personal hygiene is untenable.
* '''"He should look like his father; you can't tell the child why he looks different '''''there'''''."'''
*: Probably one of the worst arguments, because where is the limit? So you can't also explain to the child why the father is sitting in a wheelchair and the child doesn't, so you have to cut his spinal cord? Maybe the father is blind or has scars on his face - does the child have to compensate the father, too? Of course not. The argument serves to protect the father's peace of mind, but not the child that must be protected against 'conflicts'.
* '''"I like my penises circumcised."'''
*: Often voiced by mothers who could not imagine who an intact [[penis]] looks like or works. The argument is not only dangerously close to a sexual assault, but has already exceeded this limit. Any man who would express himself this way about the genitals of his daughter, would have major problems with the DCFS and would expose himself to criminal prosecution.
* '''"You can't teach a boy to wash there. Thus he will be circumcised."'''
*: Parental education failure should not be borne on the backs of the boys. If parents do not feel able to educate their son to proper personal hygiene, they should take help from official aid agencies rather than to impose the son on an operation that has no other justification than parental laziness.
== Medical Prophylactical Arguments ==
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