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Bay Area Intactivists

129 bytes added, 14:45, 25 August 2022
wikify Informed consent
'''Bay Area Intactivists''' (USA) is a [[human rights ]] organization, founded in 2001 and comprised of community members who are working to end [[MGM|forced genital modification]]. Their mission is to defend the human right to [[genital integrity ]] and to ensure that the [[genital autonomy ]] of every individual is respected without discrimination based on sex, age, ethnicity, religious beliefs, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. They oppose all forms of unnecessary genital modification such as non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] and genital "normalizing" surgery when performed on individuals who are unable to provide [[informed consent]].
Bay Area Intactivists members take part in various community events in order to raise awareness of the functions of the [[intact ]] body, the damage caused by [[MGM|forced genital modification]], and the human right to [[genital integrity]]. Planning takes place primarily via email and occasionally at local meetings. Membership is free.
This group was part of [[The WHOLE Network]] until they abandoned the local chapter system when they went to 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
* {{URLwebsite||2020-01-03}}* {{URL-FBpage|BayAreaIntactivists|2020-01-03}}
[[Category:Intactivism organization]]
[[Category:The WHOLE Network]]
[[de:Bay Area Intactivists]]
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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