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582 bytes added, 13:53, 15 January 2022
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'''Bleeding''' and hemorrhage is an ever-present risk of every surgery.
[[Circumcision]] is amputative surgery that severs blood vessels, including the frenular artery, so there is always risk of bleeding and hemorrhage from circumcision.<ref name="hiss2000">{{REFjournal
The vast majority of circumcisions performed in the United States are medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcisions performed on newborn infants in which there is no medical indication or disease of any kind present. Such circumcisions expose the infant boy to all surgical risks without any compensating health benefit.
Newborn infants, which weigh only a few pounds, have very little blood in their tiny bodies. Loss of only a slight amount of blood can and does cause exsangination and ''hypovolemic shock''.<ref>{{REFweb
== What the AAP says ==
The [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] (AAP) issued its last position statement on male circumcision in 2012. That statement has received [[American_Academy_of_Pediatrics#Criticism| severe and unrelenting critical comment ]] since its publication. Under AAP policy, every statement expires after five years unless re-affirmed. The circumcision statement has not been affirmed, so it expired in 2017. At the present time (20202022) the AAP has ''no'' policy statement on circumcision, nor have any plans been announced to develop a new policy statement.
== [[UNAIDS]] ==
* [[Complication]]
* [[Risks and complications]]
* [[Death]]
|publisher=Doctors Opposing Circumcision

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